Artists For Plants Open Call

Artistsforplants has taken up the desire of many artists from all over the world to bring their contribution towards a more conscious awareness of the centrality of plants in life, both for Human beings and the Planet. That’s why our 2024 International Call is focused on artworks dedicated to the plants coming to the forefront: from acting as a backdrop, plants must become true protagonists in human perception. 

How to Participate?

Artworks are to be submitted to Artists for Plants by 15th September 2024 by email to

The proposals will be selected by the organizers and will be presented, in form of a video gallery within the end of the year, in the premises of Otonga Foundation (Ecuador). Furthermore, the selected artworks will become part of a digital gallery, visible at our websites and social medias. The digital gallery will be a virtual sensitive and meaningful art network to create and spread attention and need for knowledge, respect and protection for the plants. 

GENERAL INFORMATION: International call for any kind of artworks and creative projects dedicated to the plants world. The organizer invites the production of artworks and proposals dedicated to the plants coming to the forefront: from acting as a backdrop, plants must become true protagonists in human perception as above explained.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: All authors of any nationality who have reached 18 years of age at the competition expiry date can take part in the competition. Individual authors, collectives and formal corporations can enter. No registration fee is required.

ARTISTS SUBMISSIONS: Artworks are to be submitted by email to:

Submission should be in a PDF format including:

• Details of the Author/Authors: name, surname, nationality, date of birth, email address; • Title of the Artwork; • Explanatory text.

Please note that only artworks specifically related to the title of this Call will be accepted; more generic works will be considered off-topic. We accept maximum 3 works per Author; works that have already been published can also be sent. The submitted artworks will remain property of the artists who produced them. Submitting your work/works, you certified that the information provided is correct and true, and that you are the owner/legal owner of the artwork/artworks submitted.

DEADLINE for the submissions: September 15th, 2024.

EXHIBITIONS VENUES: The selected artworks will be displayed at the Otonga Foundation premises. The organizers plan to make a special event to celebrate the conclusion of the Call.

Website link:

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Event Details
  • Start Date
    August 1, 2024 8:00 am
  • End Date
    September 15, 2024 12:00 am
  • Status
  • Location
  • Category
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Event Details
  • Start Date
    August 1, 2024 8:00 am
  • End Date
    September 15, 2024 12:00 am
  • Status
  • Location
  • Category