We invite artists to make proposals for two commissions for artwork for 2024 centenary of the utopian social housing project: St Pancras Housing by August 20th 2024:

  1. Installation in large space of church at risk

1. Installation artwork

100 years ago a utopian housing project began in the church with a mission to build decent housing and a ‘War on slums!’. In the context of housing crisis today and the legacy of this utopian project, we invite proposals for installation/artworks in the place this began: St. Mary’s Church, once known as the ‘cabbie’s church’, in Eversholt Street near Euston Station this summer. The installation will be part of a programme to help save this Church which is at risk of demolition working with the People’s Museum, set up in 2021 by activists to preserve a sense of place and working class heritage in the area of Somers Town, a deprived area at risk from major infrastructure development in central London, to support the church as a key part of the heritage of the housing project.

What are we looking for?

We welcome intriguing responses and are open to use of most media, including moving image. We will supply archival material for reference. We expect reference to themes or use of archival films/ photos.

The reason we are installing artwork is that church is at risk and we wish to raise awareness of its historical importance, therefore , budgets are low. Costs of materials and printing large scale can be covered.

Source content: Many 1920/30s photographs and archival film exist and this content is available. More references: Spirit! film.

Location: to use the large Interior of church St Mary’s Church in Eversholt Street.

Timescales: we are keen to install by the end of June but are open to proposals later in the summer. Ideally the artwork could stay in the church during the summer months. Somers Town has a festival on July 13th.

We wish to feature this as part of a programme in the September Open House Festival alongside Museum talks/ walks. Please see below for our centenary programme.

ThemesHOUSING is NOT ENOUGH: NOT ENOUGH HOUSING whcih had this saying; ‘HOUSING is NOT ENOUGH‘ the Legacy of St Pancras Housing/ social housing/ working class estates/ community relating to housing/ Art in everyday life Social justice community and contemporary housing issues. See below for context and background.

How to apply?

Send your proposal and portfolio: info@aspaceforus.club

Please use max 3GB and explain your work proposal and budget expectations and give reference to how you refer to the themes.

Give Dimensions relating to the church interior.



we have extended the deadline.

Website link: https://aspaceforus.club/4401-2/call-out/