ISEA2025 Call for Proposals

Academic Program

Calling all artists, researchers and professionals in experimental and electronic media arts. ISEA2025 welcome submissions that explore how the theme of ‘동동 (憧憧, Dong-Dong): Creators’ Universe’ is engaged, entangled, expanded, and established within the realms of electronic arts, creative technology, digital culture, and interdisciplinary art-science-technology collaborations. This is an opportunity to showcase innovative work that ignites the creative spirit in all of us.

ISEA2025 will be held between 23-29 May 2025. The academic conference will be held at the Seoul National University and the workshops will be held at Hongik University, and Sogang University in Korea.…/submission…

Important Dates:

Fri, 15 November 2024: Submission Deadline

Wed, 15 January 2025: Notification of Acceptance


1. Theme Tracks:

Theme tracks are expected to present novel and rigorous contributions to electronic media arts under the theme of this year’s symposium: ‘동동 (憧憧, Dong-Dong): Creators’ Universe’, and the sub-themes:

● Digital Heritage

● Techno-Human

● Future City

● Space Creative & The Stars

Theme tracks welcome contributions encompassing but not limited to the following research areas:

● Media Art Archiving / Digital Archive

● Alternative Worlds

● Robotics and Human-Machine Partnerships

● Algorithms / Creative Coding

● Bio-art / Artificial life

● Computer Graphics / Computer Vision

● More than Human

● Transmedia Storytelling

● Cultural Heritage

● Art-Science-Technology

● Tactical Media

● Altered Reality (VR/AR/MR/XR)

● Artistic research

● Animation / Film / Video

● Blockchain


● Generative Art

● Astronomy and Cosmology / Planetary Thinking

● Bio-hacking

● Computational Aesthetics

● Collective Action / Community

● Complex Network

● Concept & Theory

● Curatorial Practice

● Data Visualization and Analysis

● Digital Fabrication / Physical Computing

● Fantasy and Sci-Fi Literature

● Futurology

● Game Art

● History and Philosophy

● Impact on Society and Arts

● Music Computing / Sound Art

● Installation / Performance

● Smart City / Space Architecture / Urban Media

● Speculative Design / Sustainable Future

● Education

2. Special Tracks:

2-1. 5th Summit on New Media Art Archiving

<The Summit on New Media Archiving> is a gathering of scholars, practitioners, academics, archivists, curators, and technicians who are interested in critical issues related to media art histories. Through the exchange of knowledge, this summit hopes to facilitate the documentation, preservation, and dissemination of information related to both physical and online archiving of electronic art.


● New directions in online archiving

● The challenges of physical archives

● New technologies for archiving

2-2. Barriers and Alienation in Art x Tech Education

<Barriers and Alienation in Art x Tech Education> convenes educators, researchers, creators, scientists, technologists, and practitioners involved in art education mediated by technology. Participants will share stories from educational settings that utilize a range of technologies, from high-tech to low-tech, and explore ways to move forward together. This program will also serve as an important opportunity to explore the potential for development and collaboration in Art x Tech education.


● Exploration of various technological tools and methods used in educational settings

and analysis of their impact on learning processes

● Examination of issues related to accessibility, resource limitations, and systems

in Art x Tech education settings

● Innovative cases and future trends in the field of Art x Tech education.

● Strategies to promote interdisciplinary collaboration

2-3. Nam June Paik – Live Science Fiction Movie

As we look forward to ISEA2025, we eagerly anticipate the unveiling of new and innovative science fiction films that will continue to challenge our perceptions of space and expand our imagination on this planet. Paik’s thoughts on the universe are connected to the ‘entanglement’ and ‘relationship’ of contemporary planetary thinking. Paik’s works and writings will serve as an excellent guide in exploring a new relationship between humanity and the universe.


● The Impact of Nam June Paik’s Ideas on Modern Creative Practices

● Addressing Technological and Planetary Challenges through Paik’s Art and thinking

● Expanding Imagination on Space through Paik’s Legacy


Presentation Types

1. Full Paper with oral presentation (peer-reviewed)

● Submit 5-8 pages using the ISEA2025 paper template. Please make sure your full paper in PDF format is completely anonymised, i.e. contains no author-related information (no institutional affiliation, biography, author name(s) etc. in body of text or as explicit self-citations, notes and bibliography).

● Full papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least 2 anonymous independent reviewers from the International Program Committee (IPC) and ranked based on quality, relevance, originality, and impact. Academic directors and track chairs make the final decisions of acceptance and rejection based on anonymous reviewers’ recommendations. Rejected full papers may be accepted as posters or panel submissions.

● Accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings and will have 30 minutes (including Q&A) assigned presentation time at the symposium.

● Applicants for the Special Summit need to check the Special Summit Introduction and Proposal in the file attached below Authors’ Submission Kit and must select the Topic of Special Summit on Easychair when submitting the proposal.

2. Short Paper with oral presentation (peer-reviewed)

● Submit maximum 2-4 pages using ISEA2025 paper template. Please make sure your short paper PDF file is completely anonymised, i.e. contains no author-related information (no institutional affiliation, biography, author name(s) etc. in body of text or as explicit self-citations, notes and bibliography).

● Short papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least 2 anonymous independent reviewers and ranked based on quality, relevance, originality, and impact. Academic director and track chair make the final decisions of acceptance and rejection on the basis of the IPC’s recommendations. Rejected short papers have possibilities to be accepted as poster submissions.

● Accepted short papers will be published in the symposium proceedings and will have 15 minutes (including Q&A) assigned presentation time at the symposium.

● Applicants for the Special Summit need to check the Special Summit Introduction and Proposal in the file attached below Authors’ Submission Kit and must select the Topic of Special Summit on Easychair when submitting proposal.

3. Panel Discussion (peer-reviewed)

● Submit a panel proposal containing an introduction and an abstract of panel discussion composed of 3 to 5 people within 2-4 pages using the ISEA2025 paper template. Please make sure your panel proposal PDF file is completely anonymised, i.e. contains no author-related information (no institutional affiliation, biography, author name(s) etc. in body of text or as explicit self-citations, notes and bibliography).

● Panel proposals will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least 2 anonymous independent reviewers and ranked based on quality, relevance, originality, and impact. Academic directors and track chairs make the decisions of acceptance and rejection on the basis of the IPC’s recommendations.

● Accepted panel discussions will take the form of moderator-led groups of 3-5 experts responding to questions on the selected topics. Abstracts of accepted panels will be published in the symposium proceedings and will have 60 minutes (including Q&A) assigned presentation time at the symposium.

● Applicants for the Special Summit need to check the Special Summit Introduction and Proposal in the file attached below Authors’ Submission Kit and must select the Topic of Special Summit on Easychair when submitting the proposal.

4. Poster/Demonstration

● Submit an abstract of a maximum 2 pages using the ISEA2025 paper template. Poster/Demo proposals do not need to be anonymised.

● Abstracts of accepted posters will be published in the symposium proceedings and will be displayed on a wall space (with electricity and internet connectivity by request) at the symposium venue. Authors of accepted posters will be requested to stand by at their assigned location during a scheduled poster tour at the Symposium.

● Applicants for the Special Summit need to check the Special Summit Introduction and Proposal in the file attached below Authors’ Submission Kit and must select the Topic of Special Summit on Easychair when submitting the proposal.

5. Institutional Presentation

● We invite proposals for Institutional Presentations from communities working on matters pertaining to the theme of ISEA2025 symposium. These proposals will be selected by academic directors and track chairs, based on their relevance to contemporary trends, developments, and debates at ISEA2025 and beyond. These presentations are intended as opportunities for networking and as a forum for institutions such as galleries, museums, NGOs, networks, schools, and companies to introduce themselves to the community and to discuss organisational, financial, and curatorial matters.

● Submit a proposal of a maximum of 2 pages using the ISEA2025 template.

● Institutional presentations are selected based on their relevance to the ISEA2025 mission, by the organising committee members.

● Institutional Presentations will each have 10-minute presentation slot during the symposium, along with designated space for presenting posters, brochures, banners, and other relevant materials. If the presentation requires specific accommodations for larger-format demonstrations or displays, please specify these requirements in the proposal.

● Note that proposals for institutional presentations do not need to be anonymised.

● Note that presenters of institutional presentations are not eligible for symposium fee discounts.

6. Workshop Presentation

● The workshop program offers new media scholars, artists, and practitioners in the Electrical Arts an opportunity to collaborate and discuss specific topics. It also allows direct engagement with audiences interested in your field of study.

● The workshops can be scheduled as half-day or full-day sessions between May 24 and 25.

● We encourage those interested in hosting a workshop to consider ISEA 2025 themes, although proposals on any relevant issues from the ISEA committee are welcome.

● Workshop proposals will be evaluated by the Workshop Chair based on their quality and relevance to the symposium. The Chair, with recommendations from the IPC, will make the final decision on acceptance or rejection.

● Selected workshops will be announced on the ISEA2025 website, and the organisers may issue their own calls for submissions.

● Organisers of selected workshops will be granted a presentation slot during ISEA2025 to host their workshops. They will be asked to submit a 1-2 page summary report detailing the workshop results for inclusion in the proceedings.

● There may be opportunities to exhibit the workshop results.

● All accepted workshops will be provided with a room, and specific requirements for space and equipment can be further discussed.

● To propose a workshop, please submit a 2-4 page proposal in the paper format, including the following details (a copyright agreement must be submitted for inclusion in the proceedings):

– Description of the workshop

– Brief biographical information of the organiser

– Abstract

– Plans for soliciting participation

– Preferred number of participants and operating environment



● ISEA is a peer-reviewed conference with all eligible submissions being double-blind peer-reviewed. Accepted submissions will be published in the conference proceedings and the ISEA archive.

● Academic submissions for the following peer-reviewed presentation types should be anonymised by excluding any author-related information: short paper, full paper, and panel discussion. Accepted authors will be asked to submit a final version with all author details included for publication.

● Academic submissions for the following presentation types do NOT need to be anonymised: institutional presentations, workshop, artist talks, work in progress and other non-peer-reviewed presentations.

Instructions to authors and submission formatting guidelines

● Only proposals submitted through the online submission portal will be considered.

● We request that all submissions are formatted to the guidelines using the template provided.

● The official language of the event is English. Submissions must be written in English.

● All submissions must be accompanied with a signed copyright form. Please refer to the file attached below Authors’ Submission Kit at Submission Guideline.

● Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

● You will receive an automated response to say that your submission has been received. If you don’t receive this email please contact the

Please share the CFP with researchers and colleagues and remind them to submit directly to the system by the deadline.

We are looking forward to receiving your submission and welcoming you in Seoul!

Best Regards,

ISEA2025 symposium organisers

Website link: