Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is the largest international Slow Food event, the movement that promotes the consumption of good, clean and fair food for all. Organized every two years in Turin, Italy, the event has now reached its fifteenth edition and represents the unique opportunity in which Slow Food communities from all over the world meet to discuss and exchange their vision for the future. The rich program also includes conferences, markets, workshops, networking activities, music and flavors of the world. Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is organized by Slow Food, the City of Turin and the Piedmont Region.

This year, Terra Madre Salone del Gusto and Paratissima are collaborating to amplify the dissemination of the values ​​​​of the Terra Madre network through the language of art, with an international open call aimed at photographers, illustrators, graphic designers and performers capable, through their own research, to investigate the theme of the 2024 edition . 

The invitation of Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024 is to re-establish a healthy balance in the relationship between human beings and Nature. In this relationship, food constitutes an essential connecting element not only with Nature, but also with Culture: in this sense, the objectives of Slow Food, through Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, become functional in showing a way forward, to illuminate a new path towards a healthier relationship with nature, through food. Food reconnects us to the earth, the soil, the sea, but it is also an integral part of our identity: it is the perfect tool to reshape the link between nature and culture. 

The artistic exhibition will be an opportunity to immerse yourself in the complex environmental and social challenges linked to our food system . In a world where food represents a fundamental meeting point between cultures and individuals, it is essential to clearly address the delicate balance that characterizes our relationship with nutrition. Through a language that aims to create emotional connections, the intention is to explore these issues without falling into naive optimism or rampant pessimism, maintaining an honest and realistic look at the current situation, and without hiding the challenges we find ourselves facing. 

Although data and statistics provide a rational picture of the situation, the artistic exhibition and the ensuing immersive experience represent a space in which to reflect on the complex and often contradictory realities of our food system.

For more information regarding the Terra Madre Salone del Gusto program and the 2024 edition: https://2024.terramadresalonedelgusto.com/ 


  • This announcement offers the opportunity to artists and performers who send their application by 15 July 2024  to be selected to participate in the project on the occasion of Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024 
  • The exhibition will open on Thursday 26 September 2024 at Parco Dora, Turin . The closing date is scheduled for September 30, 2024.
  • Application  to the Call  and any participation following the selection are free . For performers, a reimbursement of expenses may be provided depending on the case.


VISUAL ARTIST: Artists who wish to nominate works created with the following media: PHOTOGRAPHY  ILLUSTRATION  DIGITAL COLLAGES  DIGITAL GRAPHICS WORKS  AI IMAGES [ All info in regulation]

PERFORMER: Artists who wish to present performances [Full info in regulation]

For further information, send an email to  artgallery@paratissima.it

Open Call for Performers

Applications are made via Google form. A Google email is required to correctly send the application.

A reimbursement of expenses may be provided depending on the case.




Open Call for Visual Artists

Applications take place through the Paratissima ArtGallery. To apply you must register at the Art Gallery of Paratissima.

If you are not yet registered with the Art Gallery click here . Signing up is easy and free. Follow the tutorial by clicking here .




Website link: https://www.paratissima.it/open-call-paratissima-x-terra-madre/