Gallery263 Open Call for Exhibition

Through our Exhibition Proposal Series (EPS), artists and curators of all experience levels have the opportunity to collaborate with Gallery 263 staff to organize and present polished, self-curated exhibitions in our 700-square-foot storefront gallery. This series is our main exhibition program, amounting to three shows annually, and is the only way to be considered for a proposed group or solo exhibition.

Additional benefits

Curated group show

Artists who submit proposals to this call but are ultimately not chosen for an exhibition will be considered for a curated group show featuring a select group of artists. This exhibition will take place in late 2024 or early 2025. Submitting a proposal does not guarantee inclusion.

Virtual tour

The selected exhibition will be documented and archived as a virtual tour by rTangent.  See an example: LUCID, a past EPS show by Shaina Gates.

Submitted work

  • At least 50% of work submitted for review must be from the last two years.
  • Group and solo exhibitions of all media are welcome.
  • Entries may either be existing or proposed work.
  • All proposed installations must require less than 25% of floor surface area.
  • Any A/V equipment required for the exhibit will need to be provided by the artist(s).

Artists and curators

  • Only New England artists are eligible for consideration for solo proposals.
  • For group proposals, at least 50% of participating artists must be from within New England.
  • Proposals must be submitted by a representative artist/curator. This can be the artist proposing a solo exhibition for him/her/their self, a representative proposing an exhibition as part of a group, or an independent curator(s) proposing an exhibition on behalf of an artist or group. The representative must be a New England resident.
  • Group proposals (of two artists or more) are encouraged.

Gallery space

  • Proposals should be made in consideration of Gallery 263’s space. Visiting us before applying is strongly encouraged.
  • Exhibitions must be installed at the gallery in under 3 days.
  • Sculpture and video-based installations must be considerate of the different programming (yoga, life drawing nights, music nights, etc) at Gallery 263. Ideal locations for 3D work include the windows, wall mounted sculpture, and pedestals. Ideal presentation of video work is on monitors, provided by the artist. Please contact Doug at for any questions about installation work.
  • Gallery 263 is located in a residential neighborhood with large storefront windows and is adjacent to a school bus stop. As such, the gallery is mindful about artwork that contains nudity or sexually suggestive imagery. Gallery 263 welcomes submissions of artwork containing nudity, and if selected to be included in an exhibition, the artist may have to collaborate with gallery staff to meet the needs of both the artist and the local Cambridge community. Possible precautions taken by the gallery may include the right to decide on the location of artwork in the gallery, frosting a bottom section of  glass in the main windows, and/or additional disclaimers located at the gallery entrance. Furthermore, the gallery reserves the right to use its discretion with the type of content it disseminates on its channels, including emails, the website, and social media. If artists are unsure if their artwork would be suitable for presentation in the gallery, please contact the exhibitions director before submitting your artwork at


Document #1: Text

How to title your document file

Click to read

Your filename should be in the following format:

LastName_FirstName_ExhibitionTitle_Proposal.pdf; use the name of the individual submitting the proposal for group exhibitions

How to format the exhibition narrative

Click to read

An exhibition narrative should be no more than one page. Submit information in the following order:

Exhibition description
  • Describe the exhibition you are proposing. Include a clear thesis statement in the beginning of the proposal to show how it presents a cohesive exhibition
  • For project proposals (unfinished or installation): In addition to the statement, describe the proposed work and include a timeline. Note if any portion of the project will be created onsite, and remember that the install must be completed in under three days
  • Include a CV/resume of all participating artists (and represented curator if it applies)
  • CVs should be limited to one page per person

Document #2: Images

How to title your image file

Click to read

Your filename should be in the following format:

LastName_FirstName_ExhibitionTitle_Images.pdf; use the name of the individual submitting the proposal for group exhibitions

How to submit images

Click to read

  • Total size of image file should be no more than 50MB. Images should have a resolution of 72 dpi and be no larger than 1500 pixels at the largest dimension. It is helpful to size each image appropriately before loading them into one document.
  • Please include 10 or more images total for a solo exhibition or three images or more per person for a group exhibition (if more than three people). Please compile all images into one single .pdf file.
  • Please place each image on its own page and size large
  • List information directly underneath each image: artist, title, medium, dimensions (height x width inches), year, and actual or representative
  • For video/audio work: please include links for online streaming instead of still images
  • If applying with all video or audio work, you do not need to include an images pdf, simply include all links in your text document

For proposals featuring existing artwork

  • At least 50% of included work must be from within the last two years; exceptions possible upon request
  • If applying with sculpture, providing a floor plan is highly suggested

For proposals featured work to be completed

  • Include sketches and/or mockups of work that you plan on including in the exhibit
  • Include images of past work if relevant to this project and elaborate
  • If applying with sculpture, providing a floor plan is highly suggested

Images of gallery and floor plan

Gallery 263’s floor plan

Images of the gallery

Website link:

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Event Details
  • Start Date
    May 27, 2024 8:00 am
  • End Date
    July 14, 2024 12:00 am
  • Status
  • Location
  • Price
  • Organizer
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Event Details
  • Start Date
    May 27, 2024 8:00 am
  • End Date
    July 14, 2024 12:00 am
  • Status
  • Location
  • Price
  • Organizer