Short Description

The Joe Plaskett Foundation was established in 2004 by the artist Joseph Plaskett (1918 – 2014) to facilitate the selection of a recipient for the Plaskett Award. Starting in 2023, the Plaskett Award will be a biennial award of $65,000. The proceeds are to be used to help fund an emerging Canadian painter to live, create artwork and/or travel for one year.

The candidate chosen for the Plaskett Award will be an outstanding emerging Canadian artist in the field of painting.



To meet the criteria of eligibility for the Plaskett Award, the Candidate has to be:

  • Canadian citizen;
  • visual artist in the field of painting;
  • an MFA student in one of the following situations:
    • who has been accepted into an MFA program;
    • who is currently in an MFA program;
    • who has graduated from an MFA program within the last 24 months
  • willing to live, travel, and create artwork abroad for a minimum of one year (for the Plaskett Award).

The Joe Plaskett Foundation is very flexible regarding when the stay abroad will take place. Recipients may choose to take a leave of absence from their university, or they may defer the award for a year.


Submission Requirements

  • a completed application form, with your contact information, your MFA information, and contact information for your MFA reference;
  • a brief artist statement and a description of how you plan to use the Plaskett Award to develop your artistic practice;
  • 15 images of recent works (from the past 3 years), including some general views (showing the scale of your work and how it relates to space) and detail views (showing the painting materiality);
  • one (1) official document (for example: an official letter from the university registrar) confirming your MFA status;
  • one (1) letter of reference. Based on your situation, you should ask the appropriate referee to send their letter of reference directly to the Joe Plaskett Foundation:
    • if currently enrolled in or recently graduated from a MFA program: your referee should be your MFA advisor; or an MFA faculty member who is familiar with your work;
    • if accepted to an MFA program: your referee should be an art professional who is familiar with your work, or an instructor from your BFA program.

How to Apply

Online Application


Program Benefits & Awards:

The Plaskett Award will be a biennial award of $65,000


Entry Fee:




Vancouver, Canada



Application Date: 4 May 2025


Website Link: The Plaskett Award – The Plaskett