
Upcoming Events
September 1, 2024
We are excited to announce the open call for our first group exhibition in Lisbon, “A Shot Away,” hosted by Shelter Artists Run Space in its studio at Jardins do Bombarda.Exhibition Dates: November 16 – 20, 2024Submission Deadline: October 30,...
**The Italian and international magazine with over 300,000 daily online views.** This competition aims to enhance the relationship between the artist and nature, fostering feelings of love and respect for the environment in the observer. Theme The theme is highly...
September 1, 2024
For the sixth year in a row, O—Overgaden now invites young artists to apply for our custom-fit post-graduate program INTRO, a well-resourced 1-year program focusing on supporting newly graduated visual artists who are tightly connected to the Danish art scene...
September 1, 2024
The FSAS International Curator Residencies programme provides contemporary international curators with accommodation and a stipend to live, work and network in Dublin, for a duration of 3-4 weeks. Residencies are programmed to begin in late January/early February 2025. FSAS will...
September 1, 2024
Our Fellowship Program supports a diverse range of cultural producers working in the vanguard of their creative fields. Fellowships are six weeks in length, occur year-round and provide fellows with housing, food, studio space, and $1,750 in financial support.  Fellows...
September 1, 2024
The Art Papers internship program is designed to offer undergraduate and graduate students real-world experience in nonprofit management, program development, and publishing. Interns will gain hands-on experience in a high-visibility nonprofit arts organization while accruing skills that can be applied...