Open Call for Male Dancers: “S_HE IS SEA” Production

She/he lets herself/himself be carried in the currents of the sea, which invisibly and immaterially wash through the body, swirl it around in whirlpools and let it drift. Unconsciously and uncontrollably, the body adapts to the subtlest movements of the water, realigns itself, lets go and surrenders to the multitude of directions and eddies of the current.
“S_HE IS SEA Etude” ties into the research interest of overlapping, shifting rhythms and explores a newly emerging polyrhythmic and dynamic space that follows its own laws. It is a complex exploration of the musical piece Canto Ostinato by Dutch composer Simeon Ten Holt, which, due to its specific musical structure, allows dance movements to overlap and shift in a particular way. Different rhythms are thrown into a supposed “chaos” and follow, like currents and whirlpools of the sea, a complex interplay.

Made possible by the residency programme of the Réseau GRAND LUXE network (Onassis Stegi Athen, POLE SUD Strasbourg, Theater Freiburg, TROIS C_L Luxembourg and L’Abri Geneva.) and the special support of the Dance Department of Theater
Freiburg. “S_HE IS SEA” is a co-production with the Theater Freiburg and the E-Werk Freiburg.

Apply for the get-to-know workshop till 20.10.2023 by sending an email with a video link to an improvisation (max 3 min, no video files please), a CV including a photo and a short letter of motivation (max 250 words or 2000 characters) to

The interdisciplinary SHIBUI collective, based in Freiburg im Breisgau (DE), is excited to announce an open call for 1 male dancer for their upcoming production, “S_HE IS SEA,”scheduled for fall 2024. This production is a complex engagement with the musical composition “Canto Ostinato” by the Dutch composer Simeon Ten Holt, which, due to its specific musical structure, allows dance movements to overlap and shift in a unique way. Various rhythms are plunged into a seeming “chaos” and, like the currents and eddies of the sea, follow an fascinating interplay.
Made possible by the residency programme of the Réseau GRAND LUXE network (Onassis Stegi Athen, POLE SUD Strasbourg, Theater Freiburg, TROIS C_L Luxembourg and L’Abri Geneva.) and the special support of the Dance Department of Theater
Freiburg. “S_HE IS SEA” is a co-production with the Theater Freiburg and the E-Werk Freiburg.
Application Process:
● Interested male dancers should apply for the get-to-know workshop till 20.10.2023 by sending an email with a video link to an improvisation (max 3 min, no video files please), a CV including a photo and a short letter of motivation
(max 250 words or 2000 characters) to
● Applicants should be available for all the mentioned dates.
● Selected male dancers for the get-to-know workshop will be informed till 6th of November 2023.
Workshop Details:
● Artistic Direction | Choreography: Emi Miyoshi
● Workshop Dates: December 15th and 16th, 2023, 10am – 5pm
● Location: Freiburg im Breisgau (close to the main railway station)
● Participation: by invitation only
● Workshop Focus: The workshop will serve as a research phase for the project, using the music “Canto Ostinato” by Simeon Ten Holt. Participants will explore selected parts of the music and learn existing movement material from the Solo Production “Etude”, which will be the foundation for “S_HE IS SEA.”
Requirements for Applicants:
● Male dancers with the ability to pick up steps quickly.
● A strong sense of rhythm and coordination.
● Clear articulation in movements.
● Minimum of 2 years of professional stage experience.
● A valid working permission in Germany (please note that insurances cannot be covered).
Production Schedule and Info:
● Rehearsals 2024 in Freiburg: July 1st – 14th and September 23rd – October 17th.
● Performances 2024 @ E-Werk Freiburg: October 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, and 26th, at the E-Werk Freiburg.
● Appropriate payment.
● Travel and accommodation costs will be covered.
Potential for Further Collaborations:
● The get-to-know workshop on December 15th and 16th, 2023, also serves as an opportunity for potential further collaborations.
If you meet the criteria and are interested in being a part of this exciting dance production, we encourage you to apply for the workshop and explore the world of “S_HE IS SEA” with us. We look forward to your applications and the possibility of working and creating together.
For application instructions and more information, please visit our website or contact us

Check our Website for more details: WHAT’S ON | SHIBUI collective

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Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 1, 2023 8:00 am
  • End Date
    October 20, 2023 12:00 am
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Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 1, 2023 8:00 am
  • End Date
    October 20, 2023 12:00 am
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