The GroundWork Residency

Extraction 4: ‘Ground Up’ artistic residency

The GroundWork residency programme 2024 is open for applications. Taking the overall theme of Extraction for a fourth year, our title is ‘Ground Up’, intentionally with a double meaning. We want to continue to open out the themes to consider all possible aspects, from literal to lateral, from the physical to the more philosophical. Entry is available to artists working in any field.

This year we are asking artists to consider;
What is removed from the earth via extraction, excavation, dredging, mining, foraging, etc. and why?
The effects of extraction on any ecological system.
The best means to draw attention to extraction.

How to enter

Before considering entry, please read all the guidance below and you may find it helpful to refer to previous residency outline summaries on earlier exhibition and project pages on the website, or try these links. The first one was Extraction: Art at the Edge of the Abyss, 2021, This was followed the next year with Extraction: Loss and Restoration, 2022 and the most recent and largest was Extraction: The Ground Beneath our Feet, 2023

You can access the application form for entry here

Or try this:


Any problems, e mail us for a copy at

Deadline for entry is 24.00, on 2 April.
Results will be announced in the week of 22 April.
The entire GroundWork residency period runs for 6 weeks from 15 July to 25 August 2024. The research week is compulsory and is during the week of 22 July. In addition, we offer periods of 1 or 2 weeks which need not be taken consecutively. Please state your date preferences on the application form and we will do our best to accommodate them.

The Extraction theme

Almost everything we live in, on and among, has one way or another been extracted – aggregate, clay, stone, slate for house-building; sands, tar and stones for roads, oil, coal, gas for heating; metals for electronics, for pipes, for jewels. Water for drinking and washing, field irrigation and gardening. Soils such as peat can no longer be extracted, but can still be endangered by extractive farming practice involving water boring, or compression by heavy machinery. It is not all bad – a lot of extraction is necessary for our lives to continue in warmth, security and comfort. But there is a lot that needs watching in case it is excessive, driven by greed, or is unnecessary or replaceable with more environmentally sustainable alternatives. Artists can be at the forefront of new thinking, especially if we work together in our rich networks of practice and specialisms.

Residency benefits

We are working with a growing group of residency host partners and advisers. Our aim is to create a NetWork between us of resident artists, past and present, hosts, and advisers, so that together we can strengthen our practice and have a growing effect on the way we see the resources around us.

We cannot afford to offer a fee, but there are many benefits. All 3 residency partners and our advisers are pooling and sharing our resources so that we can provide the best experience for all. Everyone will get free accommodation, board and lodging – either sharing meals or being given the resources to buy food. It may be possible to help with transport, certainly we aim to pool transport resources for our fieldwork. There will be studio space and facilities of various kinds. We will try to ensure that there is much opportunity for skill-sharing and discussion.

An important key element is the preparatory work and the shared experience of field trips. This year we are making this a compulsory element, where we all explore local resources in the company of our expert advisers over the week of 22 July. We also all come together for meals and discussions at various points during the summer. Everyone has a chance to show selected results together at GroundWork Gallery’s project exhibition.


Alongside the residency period from July 15 to September 2 there will be an exhibition in the gallery downstairs featuring artist collective Heavy Water.
It is followed by the Ground Up exhibition from 11 October to December 14 for which each resident artist will be considered.

Eligibility: Artists whose work is concerned with the environment, must be keen on research and field work. Any nationality, any medium providing prepared to be part of a growing networking in any medium.

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