Artealta international contemporary art competition

Alina Art Foundation together with Art Association and Exhibition Space Inarttendu of Aosta present the first edition of the international contemporary art competition ArteAlta. The art forms allowed are: painting, sculpture and installation, photography, graphic art, illustration, video art and short films.

“Fear”, the theme of the competition aims to explore the vast and complex spectrum of emotions, which is why we are looking for works of art that challenge the traditional perception of fear, transforming it from a simple emotion into fertile ground for analysis, reflection and, finally, transformation. The theme invites artists to peer into the depths of fear, exploring its many facets: fear as a driver of change, as a founding element of our collective fears, as a force that shapes our daily decisions and emotions. Artists are
encouraged to use a variety of mediums and techniques, so we expect to see works that are provocative, that stimulate the minds and hearts of viewers, leading them to explore their own relationship with fear.

The Prize is open to all artists of all ages. Each artist can participate by presenting an unpublished or published work/project/installation. from Italian to English –

It will be possible to apply from the publication of this notice until May 1, 2024. Below are the techniques admitted to the competition and the maximum dimensions to be respected:

Painting and Graphics works created in full stylistic and technical freedom (oil, tempera, acrylic, ink, vinyl, watercolour, graphite, pencil, collage, etchings, engravings)
and on any support (canvas, paper, wood, plastic, iron, etc.).
The maximum dimensions allowed are 100 cm per side.
Sculpture and Installation works created in any organic or inorganic material, may also make use of sound, lights, video and mechanical or electrical movements. The maximum dimensions allowed are: base 60 cm, depth 60 cm, height 170 cm, weight limits 20 kg. The exhibition space of the Inarttendu Gallery does not include dark spaces.
Photograph or series of photographs on analogue or digital media, in color or black and white. The maximum dimensions allowed are 100 cm per side.
Video Art and Video Short Films, films, slow motion, timelapse and works created with all animation techniques on any digital and analogue support, cinematographic shorts, computer graphics. Maximum duration 15 minutes. To apply, the video file must be sent via email and must not exceed 500 Mb.


First prize: 2000 euros awarded to the first classified work.

Second prize: a one show exhibition in the Inarttendu gallery in Aosta in 2024.

Third prize: Artist residency. The artist residency programme at Inarttendu in Aosta aims at offering the artist a space and time to create new works and participate in new activities in a culturally stimulating environment. The residency is 8 days long and will take place from 15 August to 22 August 2024. Included in the residency are accommodation, curatorial assistance, work space, final exhibition and other activities.

International artists of all ages can register for the competition. To participate in the competition just send an email including the following information:

  • Name and surname
  • Email
  • Title of the work/project – Description – Images of the work/project (300dpi in
    JPG and/or PDF format)
  • CV and portfolio of other 10 artworks ( total maximum 10 Mb)


The call for applications expires, unless extended, on 1 May 2024.

Applications should be sent by email, with the documents indicated on the announcement to:

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