Bibliothek Andreas Züst Residency

In autumn 2024 the Bibliothek Andreas Züst offers four studio residency stipends. The length of stay is a total of four weeks. Application for the Studio Residency Stipend is open to national and international cultural workers (individuals or teams of a maximum of four persons) across disciplines — visual arts, literature, new media, music, theatre, design, architecture, film, photography, and art-related disciplines.

For the stipendiaries, the Alpenhof panorama lodge will provide for accommodations. Applicants must submit a statement specifying their specific interests and describing their motivation in seeking a residency. The Bibliothek Andreas Züst is especially seeking projects that deal with the library as a whole or one of its sub-areas. The Studio Residency Stipend program is to be considered in the tradition of libraries as places of knowledge in the sense of diversity. In short: the residency should entail research about what constitutes the fabric of our culture and also what goes beyond it.


The Alpenhof is an inspiring location for a retreat and working, with opportunities for exchange and relaxation. Situated at 1,110 m.a.s.l. overlooking the Rhine Valley and Lake Constance, here landscape conjoins with lingering; the Alpstein mountains with a sea of fog; Eastern Switzerland with overseas; traditional Alpaufzug (procession of cows on mountain paths) with astronomy. The Alpenhof itself, with its rooms, grand halls, terraces, and the music room, is open to guests from far and wide, as well as all kinds of encounters. Depending on the bookings, the Alpenhof can be either busily lively or peacefully quiet.

The residency on-site is self-organized. For each recipient of a studio grant, there is a private bedroom available. In addition, there is a shared studio available, as well as different areas throughout the Alpenhof for working quietly. Further facilities include: dining and living rooms, and the Bibliothek Andreas Züst. Accommodations, meals and use of the studio are free-of-charge, and travel costs are also covered. A separate request can be made for an additional subsidy for living costs of up to CHF 500.

Application Process

Next Residency: 30 September – 25 October 2024
Application deadlines: 3 April – 19 May 2024
Here the general information about the residency.
Please send your application to:

• Please only one PDF file, not larger than 7MB
• Completed Application form
• Statement of Purpose/ Reason for Applying (max. 1 A4-page)
• Documentation of Previous Work incl. CV (max. 5 pages p.P.)

Only complete and correct applications will be considered.
The announcement of selection results will follow by 9 June 2024.

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