Contextile Residency

Contextile 2024 is hosting two artistic residencies as part of its programme, from the 6th of September to the 12th of October 2024, in Guimarães, Portugal. 

We therefore invite all interested artists to apply and submit a proposal for an artistic project to be developed and produced in one of these residencies.

The work (artistic work) in residency can be materialised through different techniques, namely Jacquard, Printing, Embroidery of Guimarães, among others, with Contextile positioning itself as a facilitator of the inherent processes and technologies, and mediator with the partners in the different working contexts (textile industry, artisans, etc.).

Will be admitted the categories of object, installation, intervention in public space and will be primarily considered projects that are developed in collaboration or co-construction with the communities of Guimarães.
6th September to 12th October 2024 | Guimarães | Portugal 

Proposals should take as reference the concept and curatorial framework of Contextile 2024 – To TOUCH.


In this edition’s artistic residencies, the theme of “TOUCHING CONTEXTS” is understood as a reflection on the relationship and entwinement of Touch with contexts (place(s), history(s) and communities).

The artists in residency are asked to reflect on the multi-layered significance of “touching” and “being in touch with”, capable of implying a touch that is especially significant, impactful or moving, evoking intense emotions or sentiments.

The Touching Contexts permeate the various facets of our existence, intimately connecting with elements such as tradition, territory and the essence of touch. In each weft of these aspects, we encounter the subtlety of human history, interwoven with the depth of human and cultural relationships, traditions, with their intrinsic inheritance, narratives woven over time, passed down from generation to generation, but also the power of innovative construction that may derive from it. The touch transcends the mere physical contact: it is a link between the present and what had come before. It defines a culture.

With regards to the territory, touch takes on a more wider significance. It is not just about the physical surface, but the intimate connection between communities and their environment, of a sense of belonging that has shaped and continues shaping identities and ways of life. The touch, here, symbolises the emotional and spiritual connection between a community and its space and transcends geographical borders.

Within the human context, especially in the context of weaving relationships, touch is brought to life through interactions and expressions that harbour in them an emotional power. They are manifestations of love, empathy, comfort and communication that transcend linguistic barriers, becoming an universal language that unites people, generating deep connections and mutual understanding.
Capable of building. 

“TOUCHING CONTEXTS” will reveal a wealth of experiences, values and identities. It is the intersection where stories are told through interwoven threads of tradition, territory and touch – a narrative that endures beyond time, weaving a complex web that unites us as human beings.

View the general concept at:

Terms and Conditions

Applications must be presented individually.
Propositions must comprise the following elements:
– Artistic project (intention of the project) to be developed;
– Application form properly filled (attached to this terms and conditions);
– Updated Curriculum Vitae;
– Portfolio (Pdf or link to website)

Applications must be submitted (with a maximum of 20 MB) until the 21st January 2024 to the following e-mail address:

Conditions to participate
– The Biennial ensures the hosting during the residency time period (accommodation, sustenance and local travel).
– The Biennial guarantees a fee – pocket money – of 600€ (six hundred euros) to each artist in residency.
– The Biennial ensures all the necessary technical and material conditions, as well as guidance by the Artistic Direction.
– Travelling is under the full responsibility of the artist (We suggest that the artists apply for support and/or grants for mobility).
– The artworks resulting from the residencies will become part of the Biennial’s estate.

Artworks Exhibition
The artworks resulting from the residencies will be exhibited in a location to be determined by the Biennial in articulation with the artists, from the 12th October to the 15th December 2024, in Guimarães, Portugal.
The artists in residency will be featured in the catalogue of the biennial.
The artists in residency are invited to the Opening of the Exhibition, as well as to presentations and sharing of the work process in events, such as the TextileTalks, or in moments for the promotion of the 7th Edition of Contextile.

Provisional Calendar
Communication of the results: 05th February 2024
Dates for the Residencies: between the 06th September and the 12th October 2024
Opening: 12th October 2024, Guimarães



Deadline for submitting an application: 

January 21st, 2024.

Website link:

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