O—Overgaden Open call 2014

O—Overgaden Open call 2014

Each year O—Overgaden presents around eight large-scale solo exhibitions, based on our Open Call.
In O—Overgaden’s Open Call programming, emphasis is put on experimental, emerging, and distinctive artistic practices, and on productions of critical and societal relevance.

Overgaden focuses on offering support and shedding light on new artistic positions or new aspects of an artistic practice, which often coincides with inviting artists early in their professional development.

O—Overgaden explicitly invites artists to submit an application based on their practice, rather than applying with an already defined exhibition proposal. Artists are thus invited to describe recent and long-term developments, methodologies, and continuous transformations, as well as thoughts on coming developments within their practice.

Instead of asking for a specific project fitted to the institution, O—Overgaden concentrates on molding the institution to the artistic practice and providing support as it develops, adapting to the artistic production’s material changes, conceptual crossroads, unexpected turns, and detours that take place in the process of making an exhibition. It is thus the idea that the development of the exhibition takes place in close dialogue between the artist and O—Overgaden’s curatorial and installation team.

In order to secure resources for the changing exhibitions and exhibitors, Overgaden’s Open Call currently centers on solo shows, whether a single artist’s work, artistic duos, groups of artists working collectively, or an artist and a curator in collaboration. 

Application Process

  • Application deadline: March31, 2023, 1pm

Please submit your application via O–Overgaden’s online application platform. You can find the link for this at the bottom of this page, or by clicking here. Beyond filling in the form, please submit a CV and documentation as one PDF file, maximum size 5MB.

More information about the application material:

  • Summary & Motivation: Please submit a brief summary of your practice description, adding a few thoughts on why an exhibition at O—Overgaden makes sense now (maximum 1,000 characters incl. spacing).
  • Practice description: Please submit a description of your practice and artistic processes including thoughts on upcoming developments (maximum 3,000 characters incl. spacing).
  • CV and documentation/portfolio (to be collected in one PDF, maximum 5MB): Please submit image documentation of previous and current artworks and production. O—Overgaden recommends that the portfolio contains a maximum of 20–25 images. For performance, video, and sound pieces, please submit one or more links. For longer time-based works, we recommend preparing shorter preview clips with a maximum duration of 2–3 minutes. Please submit a CV of maximum 2 pages.

By uploading your material you consent to Overgaden keeping your application in our archive for up to two years.

website for apply: Overgaden – Open Call 2024

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