Safelight Paper invites emerging contemporary artists to submit their work to be published in our 3rd issue dedicated to the topic:

Borders and

Political                  Professional                  Demographic
Administrative                   Temporal                  Virtual
Natural                   Conceptual                  Environmental
Social                   Spiritual                  Emotional
CulturalDigital                   Legal                  Creative
Relational                   Technological                  Scientific
Digital                   Security                  Historical
Economic                   Ethical                  Psychological
Personal                  Health                  Aesthetic
Physical                   Geographical                  Educational

All style and type of photography are welcome to participate. Artists using mixed media are also encouraged to submit, as long as photography is being part of the process. All artists, regardless of age (must be at least 18+), nationality, and level of experience can send their projects. It is also open to worldwide submissions.

We publish what we call ‘Slow Photography’, which refers to a more mindful way of creation : we give the same importance to the story and meaning than to the aesthetic itself. Both analog and digital work are accepted.

The magazine will be about 350 pages and 17x24cm : half of it being curated by our team, and the other half dedicated to the open call.

Each artist (or team, working on the same project) can submit up to 15 images, either as one large serie, smaller series or individual pictures. The pictures must not have been printed before in a magazine, but self-published work or book printed by a publisher remains elligible to participate.


Please follow the guidelines carefully. Any incomplete application won’t be considered.

1) Prepare your files by naming them: ARTISTNAME_PICTURENAME_00
Size should not exceed 2000px on the longer side

2) Fill all informations on top of this pageupload your pictures and place the order.


We will select between 150 and 175 pictures in total, from the opencall, to be published in our 3rd issue.

Each artist selected can have anywhere between 1 and 10 pictures published.
Pictures from larger series will still be considered individually.

An exhibition will also be organised for the launch of the magazine. Due to the limitation of space, a smaller selection will be made from the entirety of the 3rd issue.


Two options are available:

– A payment of 10€ to only submit your pictures.
– A payment of 17.5€ to submit your pictures, and also includes our 2nd issue until stocks remain available (pickup is possible for free at Safelight Berlin, or an extra delivery cost will be required)

The money collected will help support Safelight Paper with all the costs involved in the printing and production of this 3rd issue.
Winners won’t receive a copie of the 3rd issue for free but can have access to one copie with a 70% discount code.
No extra costs will be required from the winners.
We are not covering for flights/accomodations for any of the winners.


– Deadline to submit your images is September 1st, 2024, 6pm

– The winners will be announced by September 29th, 2024


Artists retain full rights to their own images.

When submitting your work, you grant Safelight Paper the nonexclusive right to use the images on Instagram, with full credits, to promote the opencall until the deadline on September 1st, 2024. Being published on our instagram do not mean being selected for the printed publication. The final selection will be announce by the end of September.

The selected winners grant Safelight Paper the nonexclusive right to print, and reproduce their images for the purpose of promoting the magazine. Image credits will be provided with any use.

If you have any questions on the submission procedure, please write us: (object : opencall)

Website link: