We invite visual artists, writers, translators and composers as well as scholars with a research project on Romanticism or on questions relating to the previously divided Germany to apply for a three-month residency at Schloss Wiepersdorf in 2024.

The Cultural Foundation Schloss Wiepersdorf awards residency fellowships to artists and writers in Schloss Wiepersdorf (State of Brandenburg, Fläming) in accordance with the following guidelines and dependent on the means available pursuant to the regulations of the State Budget Ordinance (LHO) and the administrative regulations (VV) relating to sections 23 and 44. Fellowships are granted at the Foundation’s discretion and no one can claim legal entitlement to a residency fellowship.

Artists and writers from Germany and abroad working in the following areas are eligible to apply:

• Literature (incl. poetry, prose, dramatic arts, essay, screenplay, criticism, translation)
• Science/Romanticism (Academic writing and research/Humanities and social sciences with themes on the epoch and sentiments of Romanticism)
• Science/Topics focusing on the previously divided Germany (Academic writing and research/Questions relating to the history of East and West Germany during the period of
• Fine arts (incl. painting, graphic arts, sculpture, media arts, and photography)
• Composition (incl. sound design, sound installation, sound performance, conducting)

Applicants must have completed an artistic or academic course of study, be working on a doctorate, or have distinguished themselves through publications or long-standing professional artistic or academic work, and can provide samples of their work to substantiate this.

German or English proficiency is required of all applicants. Basic German language skills would be helpful for a successful residence.

Decisive for the awarding of a fellowship are the quality of the applicant’s previous artistic or academic work and the proposed project.

Type and scope of the fellowship
The number of fellowships awarded is dependent on the funds available in the budget of the federal state of Brandenburg.

The residency fellowship lasts for three months and is granted for the periods March to May, June to August, and September to November. Applicants in the category of Science are allowed to choose a shorter period.

In addition to room and board at Schloss Wiepersdorf, all fellows also receive a monthly cash stipend of €1200 and a one-time grant of €480 to cover material expenses. (If the stay is shortened, the material cost grant is reduced by €160 per month.)

To the extent capacity is available, a studio will be made available to Fellows in Fine arts.

Visa costs will be covered for fellows from countries requiring a visa for Germany.

Eligibility: Applicants must have completed an artistic or academic course of study, be working on a doctorate, or have distinguished themselves through publications or long-standing professional artistic or academic work, and can provide samples of their work to substantiate this. Applicants in Fine arts are welcome (incl. painting, graphic arts, sculpture, media arts, and photography).

What you get: Room and board at Schloss Wiepersdorf. In addition, all fellows also receive a monthly cash stipend of €1200 and a one-time grant of €480 to cover material expenses. Subject to availability, the big studios can be used.

Deadline 15 April 2023

website: Individual and Collaborative Fellowships – Schloss Wiepersdorf (en) (schloss-wiepersdorf.de)