United Kingdom

World Habitat Awards 2023
World Habitat, in collaboration with UN-Habitat, is looking for the world’s best housing solutions through the 2023 World Habitat Awards competition. Eligible for entry are projects from around the world that focus on affordable and adequate housing, that are in progress or have been completed in the last ten years and project that have been designed […]

The 2023 Times/Chicken House Children’s Fiction Competition
We don’t accept unsolicited manuscripts, but we do offer unpublished and unagented writers of children’s fiction the chance to submit their work to the annual Times/Chicken House Children’s Fiction Competition. We’re looking for original ideas, a fresh voice, a diverse range of entries and stories that children will love! We’d particularly like to encourage entry […]

Deborah Rogers Foundation Writers Award 2023
The competition is organizad by the Deborah Rogers Foundation. “ An award of £10,000 will be presented to a first-time prose writer whose submission demonstrates literary talent and who would benefit from financial support to complete their work. Submissions should take the form of 15,000 – 20,000 words of a work in progress. The work can be […]

Fen Ditton Gallery Contemporary Printmaking Prize
Fen Ditton Gallery are delighted to announce the return of the Contemporary Printmaking Prize. This free-to-enter prize is open to UK-based artists working in the field of printmaking and culminates in a selling exhibition at Fen Ditton Gallery, Cambridge in March. Since the inaugural printmaking prize in 2021, the gallery has been building on the […]

Aesthetica Magazine Art Prize 2023
The Aesthetica Art Prize is an annual award organized by Aesthetica, an international art and culture magazine. “ The Art Prize is open to works in any genre, and on any theme, however, we are particularly interested in works that reflect upon our ever changing world. We accept entries from artists at all stages of their careers. We celebrate […]

Aesthetica Creative Writing Award 2023
The Aesthetica Creative Writing Award is celebrating 15 years of supporting outstanding writers. The Award was launched after the publication of Aesthetica Magazine, as a way to support the next generation of literary talent. Including both established and emerging practitioners to submit pieces on any theme, celebrating innovative poetry and short fiction. These were published in […]

Archisource presents our annual – free to enter – open to all international drawing competition in partnership with Affinity Celebrating the very best outstanding drawings and imagery created around the world by students and professionals. The widely recognised aspirational award series showcases the most accomplished works. We truly believe in the power of drawings and […]

The International Radio Playwriting Competition 2023
Writers from around the world are invited to submit their scripts for the 28th International Radio Playwriting Competition, which is now open for entries. The global competition, hosted by BBC World Service and the British Council, offers the unique opportunity for writers from outside the UK to use the medium of audio drama to tell […]

The Lodge Residency 2023
Calling all artists resident in the UK – would you like the chance to spend 3 months in the Derbyshire Dales to take some time to stand back and think about what you do, maybe consider a new direction?The Lodge Project will enable an established artist with a minimum of 5 years practice experience to […]