
July 31, 2024
12:00 am
We are looking for performance artists who are interested to work with the local group of unhoused people. Divadlo na cucky is a professional independent theatre located in Olomouc, Czech Republic. In our original works we focus on current societal issues...
July 30, 2024
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INDUSTRA STAGE OPEN CALL 2025theatre | dance | new circus We are announcing an open call for performing arts residents for the year 2025! (Additional 2025 calls: exhibition and curatorial projects, visual arts and design residences, non-artistic profession residencies and...
SEA(S)ARTS 2024-2025 INTERNATIONAL SEA(S)FORUM &FESTIVAL  Theme: The Infinity of the  Seas. Earthly and Universal Seas , from the microcosme to the macrocosm. Organizer : The Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture. The programs are developed  under the Auspices of the Prefecture of the...
Art Futures Fellowship Programme in Athens, GreeceCall for applications for 2025, deadline to submit: 15th August 2024Art Futures, Serendipity in Action is an international non-profit organisation that supports and initiates activities with an unconditional belief in the value of the...
June 30, 2024
12:00 am
In view of the next three-year period 2025>2027 as articulated by the Italian Ministry of Culture, Associazione AREA06 – ETS opens a call to identify the new curatorial configuration for Short Theatre festival. The selected figure(s) will be entrusted with the tasks of define the...
Open Residency August, 2024 Program Description The Open Residency Program at Cow House Studios is intended to offer artists critically valuable time and space to become immersed, research, and make new work. The aim of this residency is to minimize...
In autumn 2024 the Bibliothek Andreas Züst offers four studio residency stipends. The length of stay is a total of four weeks. Application for the Studio Residency Stipend is open to national and international cultural workers (individuals or teams of...
2025 Call for Partner Institutions ​In preparation for the 150th Anniversary of the historic Atelier 11 Cité Falguière, L’AiR Arts is inviting cultural, academic and arts institutions worldwide to become partners in this unique living heritage initiative by creating art...
April 15, 2024
12:00 am
Do you have an artistic idea within the field of contemporary music theatre? Are you looking for a great opportunity to work on this idea with music (theatre) professionals under the best possible conditions? Bijloke Summer Academy – Music Theatre...
In 2020 OHT founded Nomadic School, a pedagogical and artistic project that moves between mountains, swamps and other rural areas contaminating art with natural and social sciences. The Nomadic School takes place at 2.000 m above sea level. This year the...