CONTEXTILE invites all artists (national and international) to present artworks to the competition for the International Exhibition, as part of the programme of its 7th Edition, Contextile 2024 – Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, to be held in the city of Guimarães, Portugal, from the 7th September to the 15th December 2024.

In 2024, the Contextile biennial focuses its activities on the thematic concept To TOUCH, transversal to all the rubrics of its programmatic contents (click the link to consult the thematic concept in the Biennial’s presentation text).

The International Exhibition will be composed by 50 artworks from 50 artists, 45 of these works will be selected for exhibition indoors and 5 works for outdoors (public space).

The artistic works will be selected by an international jury, composed by Lala de Dios (art historian, curator and teacher of textile), Janis Jefferies (Emeritus professor of visual arts and curator), Magda Soboń (textile artist and visual arts teacher), Cindy Steiler (visual artist), Cláudia Melo (artistic director of Contextile 2024).

The jury will also award an Acquisition Prize of €7.000,00 (seven thousand Euros) and two Honourable Mentions  with prizes award (see selection process of the Regulations), at the moment of the biennial’s opening.

The 50 works of the international exhibition may also be selected, during the biennial, for the ATP – Associação Têxtil e Vestuário de Portugal Acquisition prize , in the amount of €2.500,00 euros.

The interested artists may apply with new creations or recent artworks, until the 8th March 2024, being accepted all artistic expressions in the visual arts disciplines. The proposals and artworks submitted for the competition will have to be around the textile element, through its concept, theme, techniques or materials. 

The artworks will have to be highly creative, original, technically competent and relate to the theme and concept of this 7th edition.

The application will only be considered finalized and validated after payment of the registration fee: €10.00 (euros) / $11,00 USD.








Deadline for submitting an application: 

March 8, 2024.

Website link: Contextile 2024 – Open Call – Contextile