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Hayden's Ferry Review Submission

Hayden’s Ferry Review Submission

Hayden’s Ferry Review is the international literary journal out of Arizona State University. General Notes on Submission (or withdrawal) PLEASE NOTE: We no longer accept submissions by mail. We will only review work that has been received through Submittable. A Note on the Submission Fee We know the $3.00 submission fee might be a pain, but […]

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    Hayden’s Ferry Review is the international literary journal out of Arizona State University.

    General Notes on Submission (or withdrawal)

    • Please send one submission per genre at a time, and wait for a response before you submit additional work.
    • Simultaneous submissions are welcome. If your work is accepted elsewhere, please notify the editors immediately by adding a message to your submission in Submittable.
    • Withdraw your submission using Submittable. if you are only withdrawing a section of your work (for example: 1/3 poems), add a message to your submission in Submittable.
    • Please limit your poetry submissions to a maximum of 3 poems totaling up to 8 pages. 
    • Please limit your prose submissions to under 20 pages.
    • All prose should be double-spaced.
    • We are always open to submissions of visual art and translations.
    • Contributors receive one copy of the issue in which they appear. Additional copies may be purchased for $6 each up to 5 copies. 
    • We do not accept previously published material. 
    • We do not consider book-length works. 
    • Submitters are strongly encouraged to read the journal before submitting: to subscribe, visit http://haydensferryreview.com/store.
    • Anyone affiliated with ASU (staff, faculty, and graduate/undergraduate students) should refrain from submitting to HFR until they have been unaffiliated for three years.
    • If you have previously been published in HFR’s print journal or a web issue, please wait 2 years from your publication date before submitting again.
    • By submitting, you are agreeing to receive occasional newsletter emails from us. You are welcome to opt out at any time and a link to do so will be included in each newsletter.

    PLEASE NOTE: We no longer accept submissions by mail. We will only review work that has been received through Submittable.

    A Note on the Submission Fee

    We know the $3.00 submission fee might be a pain, but we hope that you will rest assured knowing the money we receive goes toward supporting HFR’s continued success as a supportive environment for our contributors. We all want to thank you for your trust in sending us your work. 

    Free Submissions for Underrepresented Writers

    At HFR, we believe that as a literary journal we have the responsibility to publish creative work that reflects diverse experiences, identities, and cultures on both a national and global scale. We are especially committed to uplifting the voices of those who have long been marginalized and underrepresented. 

    Towards this cause, we will have 50 free submissions in each genre for underrepresented voices. If you consider yourself to fit into this category, please submit for free to “Free Submissions for Underrepresented Writers.” Among the many types of underrepresentation that exist in literature, we particularly encourage Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and those who belong to the LGBTQIA+ and disability communities to submit to HFR. 

    Website link: HFR (haydensferryreview.com)