Deadline 29th March 2024 at 23.59 CET via this form.

Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee announces its third open call for online Radio Residencies, to take place in 2024.

Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee is a radio space for curatorial and artistic practices. We present radio shows by and with artists. We also commission sound and performance pieces that tie into the themes of our annual program. Our mobile studio travels to different places such as academies, biennials and museums, where we host live broadcasts. 

Our call is aimed at applicants who have a visual art, performance art or research-based artistic practice. We welcome individual artists, duos or collectives whose work is connected to music, sound, the audible, or radio. The residencies are meant to offer space and time for researching and developing this dimension of their practice. 


We invite artists to approach radio as a critical and experimental space. Applicants do not have to be highly experienced working with sound, although advanced practitioners are welcome to apply. The practice of applicants should relate to the sonic, in conceptual and/or material ways, but explicitly does not need to fall under the category of ‘sound art’. 

At Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee, we take a ‘post-medium’ approach to sound. This means that we do not focus on sound art per se. Instead, we are interested in art practices that actively respond to contemporary political and philosophical issues through sound and sonic imagination. We are also interested in proposals that challenge the possibilities of radio, platforms and audience engagement. 

The objective of this programme is to support research in artistic processes, contribute to the local and international community around sound and radio work, and to build long-lasting relationships with artists for further collaboration on our platform.


We are looking for applications that “make sound do difficult, real-world work” * by interrogating the relation of sound-based art works to other mediums, and to conceptual and performative practices, as well as by engaging the sonic in critical, discursive projects.

We welcome applications that take an anti-hegemonic stance, that are critical to the ongoing and unfolding conditions of injustice, and that propose ways of sharing resources in order to make space for critical encounters. 

Previous, successful residency applications have addressed colonial histories, the subaltern, music subcultures, critical music, the voice, and community in sound. Historiographical and personal approaches to these topics are welcome, and so are other topics. 

Please see the application form for further requirements.

In our past editions, we have hosted a total eight international residents whose outcomes can be listened to here.


This is an online residency, but artists in close proximity to Amsterdam are welcome for in-person meetings.

We will select four residents. The call is open to Netherlands-based as well as international practitioners. The applications must be submitted in English. However, we welcome contributions / broadcasts in any language.

The selection committee is made up of team members of Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee, as well as one former artist-in-residence.

The research residency will last five weeks, to be determined with the selected artists. The residencies will take place between April–June 2024 and September–December 2024. The program will kickstart with an online introductory session to take place in April 2024 for all participants.


Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee offers:

  • a fee of 1,000 euros.
  • a production budget of 200 euros. This can be used for materials, equipment rental, fee for a collaborator, rent of a studio or anything else that is necessary
  • an introductory session to the tools and resources available within Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
  • 3-4 (online) studio visits (conversations) with members of the JJJNNN team for curatorial and technical feedback.
  • our platform and online broadcast facilities to present your work.

From the radio residents we expect:

  • to spend dedicated time on your research and development and be present for (online) studio visits.
  • to share an outcome at the end of the residency that can be publicly shared via our platform (such as: a sound piece, a radio broadcast or series, a recorded conversation, a podcast). 
  • to participate in one online or IRL presentation at the end of the residency

The call is open until 29th March 2024 23.59 via this form

For any questions regarding the residency, please contact Andrea via

Website link: