PROSPER is an international project co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the EU, led by 5 partner organizations (LOOP (Greece), Eho animato (Serbia), Oyoun (Germany), Peripetija and LDA Struga (North Macedonia), which is exploring the theme
of environmentally challenged regions of the Balkans by inviting artists, designers, researchers, cultural workers and thinkers of all disciplines to participate in an residency. The periphery selected for this open call is Euboea Island in Greece. It is a site that has been suffering ecologically due to wildfires, and it represents a common type of environmental challenge that we see globally and more frequently than ever before.
Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in creative work that is informed by local communities that live and work in this periphery. This exchange takes place in the form of a 30 day residency in October with a group of eight international participants, and ends with a collectively curated one-day festival where the participants showcase the work they developed during the residency. The key objective is to inspire participants to find connections between their practice, the fragile environment they are inhabiting, and the people who live there, while ensuring respect for the core values: sustainability, inclusivity, and decolonial thinking.

Interdisciplinary exploration with local communities

All of the artistic activities are rooted in the local context of Euboea Island, which is defined by the current environmental strain that the region is experiencing, and the challenges that the local communities are facing. The PROSPER organizers will introduce artists in residence to local communities that include agriculturists, ecologists, cooks, artists, activists, craftspeople, and tourism workers. During their residency, the artists are expected to engage in site-specific research, converse with locals, attend workshops, and immerse themselves in collaborative creation and mutual learning practices. These interactions are opportunities for artists to offer their knowledge and ideas within their artistic disciplines, and for locals to offer their knowledge of the context. The residence will end with a one day festival in Euboea that will present the results of these creative interactions to the locals and tourists.

The residency in Euboea Island will provide:
Accommodation – participants will be living in one shared housing in Villa M
Travel costs – return tickets and local transport
Living costs amounting to 660 Euros (gross) per person
Common work space
Collective learning sessions with local communities
Production costs (within a limited budget)
Tours of Euboea Island with a local tour guide

You will:
Meet and connect with fellow residents
Participate in collective learning sessions by the local community
Offer your own presentation/workshop/masterclass/discussion to the local community
Present creative work in any form for the one day festival developed during the residency

Criteria: Who can apply?
Individuals or duos (duos must apply separately and mention their partner in the
Artists, designers, thinkers, or researchers of any background – examples: performers, writers, video and film artists, choreographers, theater makers, digital artists, creative coders, visual artists, installation artists, street artists, composers,
sound artists, multidisciplinary artists, designers, makers, architects, curators, journalists, critics, urban planners, independent scholars
Applicants must be able to communicate in English
Applicants must be available to travel to Greece (invitation letters may be
provided upon request for visa applicants)
Applicants must be physically present and dedicated full-time to the residency

This is the Open Call for an artists residency that will take place in Euboea Island, Greece from October 1st –  30th 2024.

Deadline for applications: June 15, 2024, midnight CET

More informaion:

Apply link: