The Vice~Versa Foundation residency is a constituted space for established and emerging visual artists, curators and writers who have shown a lifetime commitment towards the arts. It is a meditative space for a time of inspired innovation and creative contemplation, for distinct visual ideas and exceptional practice to evolve, manifesting into a significant body of work.

Professional visual artists, curators and writers, (writer’s research should comprise Goa as an integral subject in their work) from across the globe are invited to send in their applications for the fellowships at our studio spaces in our heritage homes across Goa.

Residency spaces are comfortable self-appointed Indo-Portuguese suites, in grand houses that are over 175 years old, restored with great attention and detail, containing artworks, artefacts and period furniture, of exalted and immense heritage and cultural value. Selected residents are responsible for the care and maintenance of the space afforded and objects contained within.

These Goan heritage homes have a rich interwoven tapestry of family histories across continents spread over the past hundred and fifty years or more. They picture the definite imaginative character that pervades the Goan home. The architecture and spaces of these mansions are an experience to be breathed and lived in, for a time of profound introspection and invention.

In four or eight week residencies, artists, curators or writers live in one of these Goan heritage homes in a private suite with attached bath and living/studio space. They have access to a fully equipped and stocked kitchen, laundry facilities, a library, computer and Wi-Fi. Residents may participate in any of the critiques or workshops that are offered during their stay. Buses connect the houses to the capital and provincial cities.

The Foundation has a 4000 volume library, consisting of encyclopaedias and books on aesthetics, anthropology, art, history, literature, mythology, science, sociology, travel, etc. Fellow residents can use this facility for reference.

The residency program is an all expense paid program for an individual artist, which covers studio space, a cash stipend of $250 per month, lodge and board and limited art supplies. Flight tickets from the artist city/country, travel, transportation and shipping to, or from the program are not covered. Dependents, spouses and companions are not admitted nor supported in the program. Only one or two artists are admitted into the program each month.

Two to four works will be selected from the works completed at the residency for the Foundation’s collection. Curators and writers have to delineate and outline in their proposal, as to how their work accomplished at the residency will benefit Goa, the Arts and the Foundation. The works done during the residency may be documented and published in the annual primer/volume of Vice~Versa and/or on our website.

Applications can be submitted at any time throughout the year. There are no specific deadlines. Click below on the WORD or PDF tabs, to download the instructions and application forms.

Website link: