Art on the Outside ProgramTemporary Art Project Proposal


The City of West Hollywood’s Art on the Outside (AOTO) program funds the temporary display of rotating exhibitions of art at publicly accessible locations that include but are not limited to parks, traffic medians, and communal areas of City-owned facilities. Artworks exhibited through this program include sculpture, murals, digital screen-based artwork and projections, and performance art. Most exhibitions remain on display for a duration of 6 months to 3 years, depending on the concept, construction, and location of the approved artwork.
While proposals for new artworks are eligible for review, the AOTO program is best suited to realizing exhibitions of prefabricated artworks that can be installed at the approved site without extensive modification. This is due in large part to funding limitations of the program and prohibitive costs associated with fabricating unrealized artwork suitable for outdoor display.

DEADLINE: Applications must be submitted by June 30, 2024 at 5:00pm (PT)

This is an open call to individual artists, curators, and non-profit arts organizations based in the United States for exhibitions of emerging, mid-career, and established artists. 

Proposals should include a comprehensive budget including cost estimates for artist/curator fee(s), preparation of artworks for exhibition, transportation of art elements, preparation of written exhibition didactics and labels, electrical engineering fees, structural engineering fees, and installation and de-installation services. Artist budgets should also include cost estimates relating to the maintenance and upkeep of the proposed artwork over the proposed exhibition’s duration while on City property. Any maintenance requirements above and beyond the removal of graffiti by City facilities staff should be considered a part of the artist’s responsibility while the exhibition is displayed on City property and factored into the submitted budget calculations to the best of one’s ability. The City will provide professional graphic design services for the signage and didactic material to accompany the exhibition.
The City of West Hollywood typically receives more project proposals than there are available funds. The average project budget supported by the Art on the Outside program is $8,000. Project budgets significantly higher than this figure are still eligible for consideration. However, due to the City’s desire to fund a number of diverse projects each year, exhibition proposals requiring more than $8,000 of City funding may be viewed as less competitive unless the applicant demonstrates a realistic plan for securing project funds from other sources.


Concept: The Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission encourages proposals that demonstrate experimentation, risk-taking, boundary-pushing characteristics compared to current practices and trends occurring locally, nationally, and internationally in public art.Materials: Artworks included in the exhibition proposal should be able to withstand the natural elements and be ready to install in a public setting. Delicate artworks that may be vulnerable to the elements and/or public interactions are not advisable for this setting. In most instances, artworks requiring electricity should consider using solar power rather than relying on a dedicated source from the City.Location: Artwork proposals should include a defined location for the exhibition proposal. Pre-approved artwork exhibition locations are listed on the application form. New locations will be considered on a case-by-case basis and should be discussed with staff prior to submitting an application.Insurance: Applicant’s proposals that are selected for exhibition are subject to the City of West Hollywood’s insurance requirements including general liability, auto insurance, and, if applicable, workers compensation. 


The City formed the Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission to identify the needs of the community, analyze methods to fulfill these needs, and promote and broaden the opportunities for citizen participation in the arts. The Commission, through the Art on the Outside Subcommittee, publicly discusses the merits of projects and appropriateness of the proposed projects for the community and public space.The Art on the Outside Subcommittee, of the Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission, will review temporary art project proposals, recieved through this open call to artists. The Subcommittee will make recommendations to approve a proposal, decline a proposal, or direct staff to invite the artist to a future meeting to discuss the project proposal in detail. Applicants are not required to attend the Subcommittee meeting for the proposal reviews. City staff will notify the applicant of the results of the meeting within 14 days.Proposals that best meet the Art on the Outside Review and Evaluation Criteria are considered. Established criteria includes:

  • Artist Qualifications and ExperienceAestheticsDiversityProposed BudgetPublic Safety, Materials, Maintenance, and Structural IntegrityLocationArts and Cultural Affairs Commission Work Plan
Projects recommended for approval by the Art on the Outside Subcommittee will be forwarded to the Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission for review and approval. Depending upon the project, additional Building and Safety staff or Council approvals may be necessary. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission through its Art on the Outside Subcommittee reserves the right to recommend changes to a project proposal in coordination with the artist.

QUESTIONS: Contact Marcus Mitchell, Public Art Administrator, (323) 848-3122 or

Apply link:

Website link: