International Open Call for the ARToulu Art Area

International Open Call for the ARToulu art area, for artwork by professional artists

Art in public space in Oulu, the European Capital of Culture for the year 2026 

The European Capital of Culture 2026 brings us Oulu’s new ARToulu art area, where art will pop up and surprise you in unexpected places. Dozens of installed artworks will change the face of the Oulujoki estuary’s seven city neighborhoods, turning them into interesting and distinctive art areas. Some of the artwork will permanently remain part of the cultural landscape and the art area will continue to evolve even after the European Capital Cultural year. The international open call for the art area is for professional visual artists from all over the world. The emphasis is on finding artworks that could be situated in urban neighborhoods. We hope to find artworks that surprise and delight viewers in public spaces.

You may submit your artwork proposals until the 29th of November 2024 at 4 pm. local time in Finland.(UTC/GMT +3)

The art area hopes to reflect the multiplicity of the visual arts. The selection process will focus on the originality of the artwork and on the creativity of how the artwork is integrated into its environment, including elements of surprise. We welcome applications from all fields of visual art, regardless of materials or techniques. For example, applications can also be made for practices in performance art, community art or sound art. 

The Oulu Artists Association (Oulun Taiteilijaseura -63 ry) project is part of the European Capital of Culture Year programme and it is financed by the Oulu Cultural Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Culture. More information and instruction for the open call:

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What is the ARToulu art area?

The art area is composed of several existing neighborhoods in Oulu. Art will be brought to urban areas, residential areas, nature, the general environment and to people as part of a living city culture. The artwork will be installed, or occur, in public spaces where they can be experienced by all. The placement of the artwork is not predetermined, so the artists can propose suitable locations for their work. The idea is to surprise the viewer with art in places we might not expect to find it.

The art area is composed of seven city neighbourhoods along the Oulujoki estuary. The neighbourhoods are: Oulu Centre, Pikisaari, Hietasaari, Toppilansaari, Toppilansalmi, Meri-Toppila and Tuira. The 2025 housing fair area in the Hartaanselänranta neighbourhood will not be part of the art area. The neighbourhoods represent the diversity of Oulu: layers of history, scales of social economics and changes in the environment due to construction. Orientation map of the area:

Oulu is the European Capital of Culture for the year 2026. ARToulu is part of the Oulu2026 cultural programme and cultural climate change. Northern Finland will appear on the world map like never before, as Finnish and international cultural professionals create something new in the city, countryside, and nature. It is a journey spanning several years, culminating in the year 2026.

Oulu is a lively city with an easygoing atmosphere, located in the Gulf of Bothnia in Finland. In Oulu you can enjoy the best aspects of the northern seasons: a summer where the sun never sets, and an arctic winter filled with snow and ice. Oulu is the fourth largest city in Finland and its region is home to about 250 000 locals. Oulu has a young demographic, and it is acclaimed as one the top twenty happiest cities in the world. Happy City Index 2024 (

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What kinds of artwork?

One of the goals of this project is to challenge traditional concepts of public art – to challenge the kinds of art we are used to seeing and experiencing in public spaces. The underlying theme for the artwork in the art area is “art in surprising places”.  There are no other set parameters for the artwork’s subject, placement or realization process. However most of the artwork will be installed outdoors.

The art area hopes to reflect the multiplicity of the visual arts. The selection process will focus on the originality of the artwork, on the creativity of how the artwork is integrated into its environment, and in how the
element of surprise is incorporated into the artwork. We welcome applications from all fields of visual art including sound art and performance art. The only exception from the ARToulu open call is mural art. The Oulu European Capital of Culture programme has a separate mural art programme in place for painted murals.

We hope to receive artwork proposals with broad ranges of size and budget. The artwork can be large and obvious or small and hidden.  The artwork can be permanent, temporary or ephemeral. The artwork can consist of several parts, and the parts can be installed in different areas.

The artwork must be safe for both people and the environment. Permanent or long term installations should be as durable and maintenance free as possible. Duration does not necessarily mean long lasting without change. In this case, the duration of an artwork can include a planned gradual change over time.   

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Who can apply?

The Open Call is open to professional visual artists from anywhere in the world. The professionality of the applicant is judged by the curriculum vitae and portfolio included in their application. 

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Number of artworks and project budget

For the art area, we plan to realize approximately ten to twenty artworks.  There is a budget of roughly 100 000 € reserved for the international open call from the Oulu Cultural Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Culture. The project budget might still grow if additional finances are granted.

The artwork should fit into one of the following price ranges:
less than 5 000 €
5 000 – 15 000 €
15 000 – 30 000 €

The chosen artwork will be acquired by the ARToulu project unless arranged otherwise. The price of the artwork proposal is made up of an artist fee along with any possible material, travel, housing, transportation or other production fees.  The artists fee is comprised of the artists’ work including the on site installation / construction. The above mentioned costs must be detailed in the budget proposal, including any VAT taxes.

It is important to note that this project does not have its own budget to finance the establishment of new infrastructure such as lighting. If your artwork requires major machine work or other significant preparatory groundwork, it is important to include these costs in your budget proposal.

ARToulu will pay an artist fee to international artists against an invoiceThe participating international artist must have a business id/ VAT number, a bank account with an IBAN format number, and provide a BIC-code for their bank.

Part of the artist fees and expenses can be paid once contracts have been signed and the work has begun in 2025. The remaining part of the fee including other prearranged expenses will be paid upon completion of the artwork. The terms of the contract, the amount of the payment and the compensation of other expenses will be agreed upon with the artists individually. The first budget proposal written in the application is an estimate of the total costs. The artist fee will be paid in accordance with the guidelines for a fair salary rate for artists in Finland.

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What should be included in the application?

We will accept a maximum of two proposals / artist or artist group. Each proposal must be made in a separate application, one for each proposal.

The application must include:

  • contact information: name, telephone number, email address, postal address, country(s) of origin
  • artwork proposal
  • budget
  • condensed CV (maximum 2 pages)
  • portfolio (maximum 5 pages)

Illustrate your project proposal and include support material such as sketches of the proposed artwork or images of previous work. For this application process, the proposal does not need to be a detailed rendition – however, it is important that the proposal gives an accurate impression of the actual artwork.  Try to make your application as clear as possible.

Describe your artwork in a way that tells us:

  • What kind of artwork is it?
  • What materials is it made from?
  • Where will the artwork be situated, in which neighborhood and why?
  • What are the approximate dimensions of the artwork?

Provide information about the technical aspects and installation/construction necessary for the placement location: 

  • Does the work require the artist’s presence for installation? Can the artwork be installed by the ARToulu team?
  • How will the artwork be hung or installed? What tools, structures or machines does it require? How long will the installation process take? Does the installation process require other things such as the closure of a road, or other traffic organization?
  • How have the safety of people and the environment been taken into account in the installation plan?
  • Estimate the lifespan of the artwork: is it a long term installation, temporary (give the estimated period) ephemeral or momentary.
  • How has the duration, the wear and tear, of the artwork in public space been considered? Give any possible maintenance instructions.

In your application break down the production costs of the artwork:

  • artist fee, which includes the on site installation/ construction of the artwork.
  • material costs
  • travel and housing along with other transportation costs
  • costs related to any possible assistant fees and/or machine work necessary for the production of the artwork

VAT tax if applicable should be included in the estimated production budget. Artist groups should detail the costs and fees per member, individually. 

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Selection criteria for the artwork

The selection committee will take into account:

  • The artistic excellence of the concept of the artwork in relation to the parameters of the open call
  • The relationship between the artwork and its planned location for installation/realization
  • The realistic technical plan and safety aspects of the artwork

The selection committee will pay special attention to the balance of the whole art area and the distribution of artwork in each of the different neighborhoods.  Most of the artwork will be situated in the largest neighborhoods with large populations and currently, few existing artworks. The safety and durability of the artwork should be carefully considered throughout the installation / construction process including materials used and their impact on the environment. These are the central points that will be considered during the selection process.

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Planned schedule and selection process

The open call ends on November 29th, 2024 at 4pm(UTC/GMT+3).

The applications will undergo a pre-selection process to eliminate any incomplete or notably irrelevant proposals. The curated selection process of the artwork will take place soon after the deadline. The selection of artwork will be made by curator Satu Oksanen, visual artist/curator Anna Ruth along with media artist and public art consultant Leevi Lehtinen.

The pre-selected applications will be reviewed by the city of Oulu’s board of urban landscape (KKTR) and permits will be filed for eventual installation. The permit process applies to practical installation aspects such as the feasibility, safety and the possibility of installing the artwork in the desired location as well as opinions from the local residents as relevant. If necessary, the artists will be asked for further information or detailed plans regarding their proposals, for their permit. 

The participation of an artwork will be confirmed and a contract will be signed with the artist as soon as the installation permits have been granted. The applicants should be prepared for a time consuming procedure. The chosen artwork will be announced little by little, as the permits are granted and the contracts are signed. The artists will be informed about the progress of their artwork throughout the different phases of the process.

The production of the artwork will occur during 2025 and 2026. Some of the works can be installed in 2025. Our goal is to have the installation of the artwork completed by the spring of 2026. The time schedule can be adjusted to the particularities of the proposals and will be discussed with each artist individually.

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How do I apply?

The application deadline is November 29th, 2024 at 4pm (UTC/GMT+3). The application must be sent by email. Any applications sent by other means, incomplete applications or late applications will not be considered.  Please read the instructions carefully and send in your application before the deadline.

Applications can be made in either Finnish or English. Please write the application in Finnish, if it is your dominant language.

The application must include all necessary information regarding the artist and proposal, for the selection process. The selection committee will not study the applicant’s websites or social media accounts, so please do not send links to your CV or portfolio. Only include links to information that is necessary to the proposal, and cannot otherwise be communicated in pdf form (such as for media art, sound art).

Application format requirements and instructions for submission:

  • Name your application file with your own name.
  • Check that your application includes all required information. Additional information cannot be added to your application, after it has been sent.
  • Send the application in one pdf file, as an email attachment. The attachment must not exceed 4 MB. Any information added in the message section of the email, or emails with additional attachments will not be regarded by the selection committee.
  • Send the application to:
    Write your own name as the “Subject”. You will receive an automatic response confirming that your application has been delivered. 

Suggestions: Pdf files can be merged together using this site:
The size of your Pdf files can be changed here:

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What do we want from the artists?

Due to the magnitude of the project and the limited framework of the organization, the artists will be responsible for the installation / construction of their own artwork. However if the artwork is easy to install without the participation of the artist, the details of the installation can be negotiated with the ARToulu team. If the proposed artwork requires foundations, lighting, machinery etc, the artist is responsible for arranging these preparations. The Oulu Artists Association will provide assistance if necessary and/or possible. The artists should have adequate technical skills to ensure the stability, durability and safety for the realization of the proposal.

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What happens to the art area after 2026?

The basis of the art area concept is that the artwork will stay in the area for its complete lifespan, possibly years. The Oulu Artists Association is not responsible for the maintenance or repair of the artwork. An artwork can be removed before its scheduled retirement date if it is destroyed or damaged due to, for example, vandalism or weather abuse. The artists association holds the right to move, relocate, remove or dispose of an artwork.

Some of the artwork will be donated to the Oulu Art Museum, these artworks might be a permanent or temporary part of the Oulu City collection. The art museum participates in the city’s acquisitions and might define any possible maintenance instructions for the preservation of an artwork. Artwork can also be donated or sold to other parties. Any possible sales are reverted to the project’s funding.

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The ARToulu art area project is produced by the Oulu Artists Association the Oulun Taiteilijaseura -63 ry, which serves the professional visual artists of the Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu regions.

Oulu is the 2026 European Capital of Culture. The art area is made possible through the Exploring ART project which is part of the Oulu2026 Cultural and Cultural Climate Change programmes. It is funded by the Oulu Culture Foundation. More information:

The Ministry of Education and Culture granted this project an exceptional subsidy. In collaboration with The City of Oulu, The Oulu Art Museum, and the Arts Promotion Centre.

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More information

Inquiries regarding the open call can be sent to the email address:  until the 1st of November. We will compile the questions and answers into a file for the benefit of all applicants at this site:

Curator Leevi Lehtinen will hold an online “application clinic” on the 4th and 5th of November 2024. The ”application clinic” is held on both days from 10am to 12pm and from 1pm to 2pm. You can sign up for the application clinic from the 21st of October until the 1st of November, by sending a message to the email address:

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Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 1, 2024 8:00 am
  • End Date
    October 31, 2024 12:00 am
  • Status
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Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 1, 2024 8:00 am
  • End Date
    October 31, 2024 12:00 am
  • Status
  • Location
  • Organizer
  • Category