Short Description

The Agility Award is an Arts Council funding scheme for individual professional artists and arts practitioners who have not been previously funded as an individual by the Arts Council.



The Agility Award supports professional artists and arts practitioners. In 2025, you can apply if:
• You have never received Arts Council funding as an individual
• You are resident in the Republic of Ireland.

We may accept applications from applicants who are not resident in the Republic of Ireland. In this case, you must explain in section 2.3 of your application form how your proposal would benefit the arts in the Republic of Ireland.
We will determine the eligibility of your application based on your explanation.

You can apply for Agility Award funding for the following art forms and art practices:
• Architecture
• Arts Participation
• Circus
• Dance
• Film
• Literature
• Multidisciplinary Arts
• Music
• Opera
• Street Performance and Spectacle
• Traditional Arts
• Theatre
• Visual Arts
• Children and Young People’s Arts

Multidisciplinary arts practices: We’re also open to applications from professionals who work in multiple creative or interpretative expressions. This includes multidisciplinary practices. Apply for funding under your primary artform or arts practice.


Submission Requirements

• Your full CV or biography (uploaded as a separate document)
• One to three examples/samples of your work that are relevant to your proposal


How to Apply

Online Application


Program Benefits & Awards:

• You can apply for any amount between €1,500 and €5,000.
• You can’t apply for any amounts below €1,500 or above €5,000. If you do, your application will be ineligible and we won’t assess it.
• However, artists or arts practitioners with disabilities can include additional personal disability access costs in their application. This is separate from the amount that you request for your proposal.


Entry Fee:




Dublin, Ireland



Application Deadline: 24 April 2025


Website Link: Agility Award | The Arts Council | An Chomhairle Ealaíon