Minotaur Books/Mystery Writers of America 2024

Minotaur Books/Mystery Writers of America 2024

Welcome to the 2024 Minotaur Books/Mystery Writers of America Best First Novel Competition!

Please read all of the rules and guidelines before submitting your entry. You can find the complete rules and guidelines at us.macmillan.com/minotaurbooks/writing-competitions.

To enter, you must complete this form and upload an electronic file of your Manuscript.

Only electronic submissions, uploaded through this entry form, will be considered; do not mail or e-mail
manuscript submissions to Minotaur Books.

  • Before uploading, please ensure that your Manuscript is formatted as follows:
  • 1) The Manuscript must be either a Microsoft Word document or a PDF
  • 2) Text must be double spaced
  • 3) Pages must be numbered consecutively from beginning to end
  • 4) The Manuscript must be saved as “Manuscript Title_Entrant Name”

Because of the great volume of submissions we receive and the fact that judges are volunteers with full-time responsibilities elsewhere, it is important that you submit your Manuscript as early as possible. Submissions will get a more careful reading if the judge does not have to contend with a flood of last-minute entries.

Theme: Murder or another serious crime or crimes is at the heart of the story.

All Manuscripts submitted: a) must be original works of book length (no less than 220 typewritten pages or approximately 60,000 words) written in the English language; b) must be written solely by the entrant, who may not be the author of any previously Published Novel; c) must not violate any right of any third party or be libelous, and d) must generally follow the Guidelines below.

To be considered for the 2024 competition, all submissions must be received by 11:59pm EST on December 15, 2023.

No entry fee

The winning manuscript will be published by Minotaur Books. The winner will receive an advance against future royalties of $10,000

If you have questions or need further clarification regarding the rules and guidelines of this competition, you may contact us at MB-MWAFirstCrimeNovelCompetition@StMartins.com.

Website link: https://us.macmillan.com/minotaurbooks/submit-manuscript/

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1 Comment
  1. Aye Myitta Oo (Myanmar)

    how to submit

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