Artists in Residence at European Geosciences Union

EGU’s popular Artist in Residence programme, which provides artists and scientists with opportunities to exchange ideas during the annual meeting, is back again for our General Assembly in 2024. We now welcome applications from science-artists for two residencies at EGU24, taking place in Vienna, Austria from 14-19 April 2024. The deadline for applications is 27 November 2023.

EGU’s annual General Assembly brings together geoscientists from all over the world for a meeting that covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences, not just for those attending on-site, but also for people attending virtually around the world. The Artist in Residence programme provides science-artists with a unique opportunity to interact directly with a broad range of researchers and subjects in this exciting and dynamic setting, and examine their own work through a new perspective. The collaboration of the science-artists also benefits researchers who can learn about new and creative ways of making their work accessible.

Given the unique situation of this residency, EGU are looking for applications from curious and open-minded creatives, either scientists who also work as artists, or artists with some experience engaging with science, to apply to spend the week with us in Vienna, Austria. We welcome applications from artists who work in any kind of creative field (although the location does come with some practical limitations for those who work in audio formats, please contact us for more information). The residency will involve the production of new creative works generated during the week of the meeting and inspired by the research or researchers of EGU24.

In addition to creating new artworks, the successful Artists in Residence will be able to submit an abstract to present their work/research during the meeting, and are also encouraged to run a short course or pop-up event on how their creative format can be used to communicate science. Examples of past courses organised by Artists in Residence include Rhyme your research and Get creative! Sketching and drawing (your) science.

Interested artists should apply online by 27 November 2023. The application should include:

  • a description of the type of work that will be produced during the meeting, how the art will build on and interact with the research presented there, and how the new work could be showcased to General Assembly participants (both on-site and virtually).
  • details about potential costs related to the transportation of art materials to Vienna, potential costs of materials for a short course, and any technical and space requirements, as well as potential travel costs to EGU24, based on artist location.
  • a one-page CV and short description detailing previous experience.

The results will be announced by mid-December, to give the winning artists the opportunity to submit an abstract to present at the conference if they wish to, by early January. Examples of the work produced by the EGU Artists in Residence in 20182019, and during our online meetings in 2020 and 2021 are available on the EGU blog.

In the past the programme has been most attractive for scientist-artists, especially those already familiar with, and interested in, the EGU General Assembly. The residency takes place at the conference centre, the Austria Center Vienna, and lasts for the full week of the meeting. Please note that having thousands of scientists in the building produces reasonable noise levels and that creative works that either require a quiet environment or that generate a fair amount of noise itself may not work well. The successful applicant will be provided with a financial stipend to support material costs and travel expenses, as well as being provided with a free registration to EGU24. The total amount of the stipend will vary depending on the location of the artist, but in previous years has averaged to approximately 1200€.

All work produced will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. The EGU reserves the right to use the art, or reproductions of the art (such as photographs), on the EGU blogs, social media and other communication channels, including the screens at the conference centre. Depending on the format of the works, EGU may also use them, non-commercially, on postcards, t-shirts and other merchandise. We will give appropriate credit to the artist and request that all art produced mentions the EGU.

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Event Details
  • Start Date
    November 1, 2023 8:00 am
  • End Date
    November 27, 2023 12:00 am
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Event Details
  • Start Date
    November 1, 2023 8:00 am
  • End Date
    November 27, 2023 12:00 am
  • Status
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  • Category