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Barbara Deming Memorial Fund

Barbara Deming (1917-1984) was one of the most dearly loved civil rights and feminist activists of her time. Born in New York City in 1917 and educated there at the Friends Meeting House Quaker School, she later studied literature and drama at Bennington College and earned a master’s degree in drama from Case Western Reserve […]

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    Barbara Deming (1917-1984) was one of the most dearly loved civil rights and feminist activists of her time. Born in New York City in 1917 and educated there at the Friends Meeting House Quaker School, she later studied literature and drama at Bennington College and earned a master’s degree in drama from Case Western Reserve University in 1941.

    Deming began her career as a poet, professional writer, and film critic, and turned to political writing and human rights activism in the middle of her life. After a trip to India in 1959 sparked her interest in Gandhi, she embraced the pacificism of her Quaker background and aligned with nonviolent justice movements, arguing for a strictly secular approach to nonviolent resistance. As the Second Wave of feminism emerged, she became a leading feminist thinker and activist for the rights of women and the betterment of their lives.


    Support grants ($500 – $2000) to individual feminist women in the arts with primary residence in the US and Canada.


    Applications from feminist writers and visual artists who are women (cis and transgender) or nonbinary and:

    • Exhibit high quality and originality in their work.
    • Use feminism as their central interpretive lens.
    • Value both personal and political changes that promote freedom and agency for women.  
    • Validate differences that intersect with gender such as race, ethnicity, and class.
    • Express an inclusive vision of social justice while focusing on justice for women. 



    Projects that are well underway and for which you have substantial work to show. Translation projects are eligible. Please take time to carefully read the guidelines and application form on Submittable.



    Film, video, theatre, dance, music, or performance projects. Scripts and musical compositions are also not eligible. We do not award work which is or will be self-published. We do not give loans or provide money for educational assistance, work on dissertations, or research (except research to be used in writing a book). We do not provide funds for the cost of editing services, business projects, or emergency money for people in need. We rarely give money to groups.

    Former grantees must wait three years before reapplying.


    The application cycle begins January 1 and ends January 31 annually.

    Below are the materials you will need to submit:

    Basic Application:  

    1. Project description (max. 400 words)
    2. Budget
    3. Description explaining why you are applying to a feminist fund (max. 100 words)
    4. Resume (max. 2 pages)
    5. Project Samples

    Project Samples by Category:

    Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction – Submit 10-15 pages, using 12-point type. Please paginate and include your name and project title in the top right corner of each page. Double-space for fiction and nonfiction submissions.

    Visual Art – Submit 4 work samples in JPEG format and a list of the images (PDF) including file name, title, size, medium, and date. 

    • JPEG image specifications: Each JPEG may be no larger than 1600 pixels in any direction. The image resolution must be between 72 and 100 dpi. Each file must be less than 1MB and labeled with the applicant’s last name followed by a period, first initial, underscore, and number, for example SMITH.J_1.JPG, SMITH.J_2.JPG.

    DEADLINES (you may apply in only one genre)

    January 1 – January 31, 2024, for Visual Art and Fiction. All applications accepted via Submittable. Please click the link below to submit to our online application. These applications have a $25 fee, payable by credit card. A limited number of fee waivers are available. To request a waiver, contact the grants administrator at demingfund@gmail.com on January 1, 2024.

    January 1 – January 31, 2025, for Nonfiction and Poetry. All applications accepted via Submittable. Please click the link below to submit to our online application. These applications have a $25 fee, payable by credit card. A limited number of fee waivers are available. To request a waiver, contact the grants administrator at demingfund@gmail.com on January 1, 2025.

    Applicants will be notified about grant decisions approximately five months after the deadline date.

    Please note that as of 2015, we no longer accept snail mail applications, only online applications via Submittable. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you’ll grow with us as we move toward a more sustainable application process for all. Good luck! We’re excited to read your work.

    Website link: https://demingfund.org/apply-pd-11.php