Cura Next Generation Open Call

An intensive international residential retreat for young creators, designed to give time and support to projects that are still in their initial phase of conception and development

Next Generation is a special project promoted by C.U.R.A. – Centro Umbro di Residenze Artistiche (supported by The Ministry of Culture and the Umbria Region) created in collaboration with La MaMa ETC in New York dedicated to younger and emerging performing artists for creating projects in the initial phases of development.

Next Generation provides an intensive residency for new projects at an embryonic stage to encourage the development of innovative ideas and creative processes. Projects already completed, even partly, and in any case at an advanced stage of development, will not be accepted. The purpose is to support new talents and nurture the emergence of new, interesting performative ideas that focus primarily on the themes above.

Next Generation is open to a maximum of 4 projects by single artists/collectives (and in any case to a maximum number of 15 total participants) from European and non-European countries operating in the fields of contemporary performing arts (theater, music, dance, interdisciplinary, etc.).

Next Generation provides for a 15-days artistic residency in Umbria from 15th to 29th September 2024. The selected artists/groups will spend a first week of work – from 15th to 22th September – located in the spaces provided by C.U.R.A. in the territories of Spoleto, Foligno and Gubbio, and the second week – from 22th to 29th September – all participants will be gathered at La Mama Umbria International in Spoleto, in order to encourage sharing among the participants of all groups,, exchanging feedback, comments and tips.

Next Generation provides for the further participation of local and international artists (actors, musicians, playwrights, directors), tutors, and curators selected by C.U.R.A., who will be invited to follow the retreat as mentors, aimed at stimulating the creative process, and encouraging exchange and dialogue among participants. All participants will have the opportunity to live and work together, to share their processes and provide constructive feedbacks, comments and suggestions.

At the end of the retreat, all participants will showcase their work (choosing the most appropriate form, according to C.U.R.A. and mentors).

Next Generation provides the possibility for one or more artist/company to apply for a further residency period within the projects of C.U.R.A., according to terms and times that will be agreed with the organizers, in order to advance the development of their artistic project.


1_Next Generation will take place in Umbria from 15th to 29th September 2024

2_C.U.R.A. will provide the technical equipment according to the needs of the selected projects and the following work spaces: La Mama Umbria International/Cultural Hub Cantiere Oberdan – Spoleto; Spazio Zut – Foligno; Centro Teatrale Umbro-Gubbio.

3_The organization will take care of accommodation (lodging with kitchen, no single rooms) and meals for the selected artists / companies.

4_ artist / group fees: € 1000 for artists / companies resident abroad and € 700 for artists/companies resident in Italy (net of VAT with regular invoice).

5_ All costs not expressly indicated by C.U.R.A. (point 2, 3, 4) will be borne by artists/companies.

6_Participants will have the opportunity to interact with professional mentors during the residency period.

7_The program will be conducted mainly in English.


Applications must be received no later than May 17, 2024.

Interested candidates must submit the Application Form HERE,

and the following:

1._ Name, biography and eventual role of each participant involved (in case of groups);

2._short description of the project idea to explore during the residency;3._motivational letter expressing how this opportunity can contribute to the artistic development of the project;

4._online samples (video, audio, images, reviews, etc.) of past work of the candidates;

5._technical requirements and other special needs.

After receiving the applications, the selection committee might require an interview with the applicants, to take place in-person when possible or through Skype. From all the applications received, only the ones that are considered most in accordance with the goals of the residency will be invited to take part in the Program. The selected proposals will be communicated by May 31, 2024.

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