Blue Mountain Center is a working community of writers, artists, and activists in the heart of Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York.

Established creative and non-fiction writers, artists not requiring exceptional facilities, and working activists are eligible applicants. Residents are chosen by an Admissions Committee of accomplished authors and artists. The committee is particularly interested in fine work which evinces social and ecological concern and is aimed at a general audience. International applicants are welcome. Please note that the residencies are subject to adaptation due to the ongoing pandemic.

Applications for the 2024 season will open on December 1, 2023. The deadline will be February 1, 2024.

Dates for the 2024 residency sessions are as follows: 

  • Residency #1 – Friday, June 14 – Friday, July 12
  • Residency #2 – Friday, July 19 – Friday, August 16
  • Residency #3 – Friday, August 30 – Friday, September 27

Blue Mountain Center values racial, economic and environmental justice and gender equality. We encourage applications from people of color, women and LGBTQ artists and activists. Contact us if you have concerns about or barriers to applying for or participating in a BMC residency at

Before you apply

We encourage you to look at Blue Mountain Center’s Mission Statement. Blue Mountain Center has recently updated its mission statement to foreground its identity as a place not only for traditional work and productivity, but as a place for rest and rejuvenation in a nurturing environment.

Please note that cell phones are prohibited in common spaces at Blue Mountain Center. We’ve found that cell phones and the constant connectivity they entail conflict with our mission and detract from the experience of being here. We have a phone booth with unlimited long distance calling available for resident use. Please read Rob Nixon’s Reflections on the Cell Phone Policy for a former resident’s perspective on the policy.

There is no Wi-Fi. A small internet center located in the Main House has one public computer and several ethernet cables for personal laptops. We have several Apple USB adapters available for residents whose laptops do not have ethernet ports.

Both the phone booth and internet center are open to residents 24 hours a day. Family and loved ones may call the BMC office in the event of an emergency.

Please note that we are requiring all residents to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 if accepted to BMC. If you have a medical exemption, please reach out to BMC staff upon applying so we can further discuss your safety and options. All accepted residents will be asked to confirm vaccination before arrival.

Financial Support

Generous BMC alumni have teamed up with the Adirondack Foundation to create a Resident Support Fund to provide financial assistance to BMC applicants who require additional resources to participate in BMC’s Residency program and meet criteria specified by donors. At this time our donors have created funds designed to assist people of color. Upon acceptance to a Residency, qualified applicants will be invited to request funding if needed. Eligible residents in 2023 received $500-$800 each.

Application Guidelines

Blue Mountain Center accepts applications from writers, artists of all media types, activists, and composers who create original work. The following information will be requested through our online application system:

  • basic personal and contact info, availability, and session preferences
  • a brief bio that includes professional achievements (1 – 2 pages)
  • a brief statement of your proposed plan for work at BMC (1 – 2 pages)
  • a brief statement regarding interest/experience participating in community living with people from diverse backgrounds, as part of the BMC residency experience.
  • $25 application processing fee (payable by credit card or PayPal)

We do not request references. Spouses are not included in the acceptance invitation, though they may apply separately. Each applicant will be evaluated as an individual. Collaborating applicants should contact before applying.


  • 10 pages (double-spaced PDF, manuscript style)
  • Please leave writing sample unsigned to ensure anonymity.
  • Playwrights may submit up to 30 pages.


  • Five JPEG images. Please include a corresponding image list (PDF) that cites titles, sizes, medium, and dates.
  • A brief artist statement.


  • Follow the regular application guidelines, and include more extensive information about your activist background and any associated organization. Additional supplementary materials to help illustrate your work (i.e. a writing sample up to 10 pages, video, images, articles) are welcome but not required.
  • In your plan, activists may highlight your desire for rest and rejuvenation. We consider ourselves an active community of artists and activists but also recognize the value of time for reflection for those who have worked tirelessly for important causes for months or years without respite.


  • Film/video applicants should submit a link to a 10-minute work sample.


  • Composers may attach up to three work samples in MP3, MP4, M4a, or WAV format.

Website link: