Art Collide Interntional Art Award Competition


Open to all artists, world-wide, above the age of 18 years old.

All mediums and styles are acceptable.

(2-d and 3-d media, currently not accepting video submissions, work must be documented and submitted in jpg/jpeg form).

Works must pertain to the theme “Ethereal Forms”, see below for the full explanation of the theme.

The Deadline for submissions is April 24, 2024.

EARLY ENTRY: April 10, 2024

Early entry is recommended; all applications received on or before February 1, 2024, will be automatically shortlisted as finalists, be exhibited in the online exhibition, and move on to the final round of jurying to be considered for awards. (Early entry submissions that do not pertain to the theme or do not adequately follow the submission guidelines may be excluded from exhibition). Select finalists may receive the opportunity for an interview and solo feature on


For those who win awards, the award money will be entirely at your discretion to utilize as you wish. The prizes to be awarded will be determined based on the number of art pieces submitted and the overall quality of the artwork submitted. Finalists and all award winners will have their work exhibited in the online gallery on starting November 30, 2023.

First Prize Award | $300-$1,000

Runner-Up Prize Award | $100-$300

Merit Prize Award | $25-$100

Honorable Mention Award

Finalist Award


Free to submit. Only those accepted as finalists must pay the $35 finalist fee. Finalists will have their work exhibited in the online gallery on and will move on to the final round of jurying in consideration for cash prizes and other awards.


Email us the following information at:

Please include the email subject line: “Ethereal Forms”

  1. Your first and last name
  2. Images of your work (up to 10 images)
  3. Info for each work: Your name, title of piece, medium, dimensions, date created, price (if for sale)
  4. artist statement and bio (optional)

Jpg/jpeg images only. No PDFs, zip files, or google drives are acceptable!!

Please include all of your images and information in one single email.




This competition is open themed. Artwork in all styles and mediums from artists across the world are all eligible to participate in this competition and online exhibition.

Freedom of Expression: In the spirit of open-themed contests, participants are encouraged to liberate their artistic voices and transcend the limitations of specific subject matter or style. Artists have the liberty to draw inspiration from personal experiences, cultural influences, social issues, or abstract concepts, fostering an environment where creativity knows no bounds.

Embracing Diversity: The “Open Themed” contest celebrates the rich tapestry of human experiences, acknowledging that diversity is the catalyst for artistic innovation. Artists are encouraged to explore the multitude of perspectives that make up the human story, fostering a platform where a multitude of voices can be heard and appreciated.

Interconnectedness: Despite the absence of a specific theme, the open-themed contest highlights the interconnectedness of art and the human experience. Artists may find common threads that unite seemingly disparate works, revealing shared emotions, concerns, and aspirations that transcend individual differences.


NOW | Art Competition Open for Entries

10 April 2024 | Early Entry Deadline

24 April 2024 | FINAL DEADLINE for entries

26 April 2024 | Finalist Notification Starts

3 May 2024 | Finalist Fees Due

10 May 2024 | Cash Prize Notification Starts

10 May 2024 | Exhibition of Winning Artworks Starts

13 May 2024 | Cash Prize Distribution Starts**

*** All cash prizes are given out via PayPal. In order to be eligible for a monetary award, you must have a PayPal account.


If your work sells, you keep 100% of the purchase price.

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