Art & Technology Festival 2024

Art & Technology Festival 2024

Festival Dates: June 14 – 23, 2024 / Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Submission Deadline: November 15, 2023

  • All applicants must submit the online submission form.
  • Please read these guidelines before filling out the form.
  • Notification Date 1: February 1, 2024
  • Notification Date 2: March 15, 2024
  • See Individual Categories for Notification Date

This Year’s Categories Include:

  • Installations (Interactive and non-interactive)
  • Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality Environments
  • AI/Artist Collaboration
  • Robotics/Kinetic/Electro-Mechanical Objects and Installations
  • Multimedia Performance
  • Digitally Generated or Fabricated Objects
  • Wearables
  • Interactive Installations for Children
  • Outdoor Installations and Projections
  • Experimental Single Channel Video/Experimental Documentary/Animation

Submission Fees

  • Multiple submissions are welcome in one or more categories. You must submit a new form and pay the fee for each submission.
  • All Categories: $25 for a single and $20 each for multiple submissions.

Submission Form Instructions

Work Samples

  • Documentation of work samples must be viewable online (personal website, YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, etc)
  • uploaded hi-res photos and video still captures should be no larger than 3MB .jpg only
  • We will accept works in progress if you are able to submit samples that demonstrate a strong body of work

Follow these steps to fill out the Submission Form:

  • Fill out the general information at the top of the Form.
  • Select the Category in which you wish to submit your work. Each Category has a separate set of questions.
  • Once you have selected the Category you can fill out the remainder of the Form.
  • Select Yes or No to the multiple submissions’ question. This will determine your fee – $25/single, $20 each/multiple.
  • Submit the Form.
  • Once you have submitted the form and paid your fee you will receive an email notification with a copy of the form you submitted.
  • You are welcome to submit multiple entries in one or more categories. You must submit a new form and pay the fee separately for each entry.
  • If you wish to enter another submission return to the this page or the Submissions Form page.

Questions about the CURRENTS application? CONTACT

Website link: Submission Guidelines 2024 – CURRENTS New Media

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1 Comment
  1. Mahrukh Khan

    Can the work be sent virtually or physical submission is required? What is the theme

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