Call for six two-week residencies for writers, translators and comic artists as well as visual artists and curators at the Arthur Boskamp Stiftung’s M.1 in Hohenlockstedt. Three of the six scholarships will be awarded in the field of literature and three in the field of visual arts.

Die Ausschreibung richtet sich an in Hamburg lebende Künstler:innen und Autor:innen.

The Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung was established in 2003 as a non-profit foundation based in Hohenlockstedt, Schleswig-Holstein. Since 2007, it has been actively dedicated to promoting visual arts and culture on the M.1 premises in Hohenlockstedt. Central to its approach is the combination of an international programme with local cultural activities, in a rural area. The programmes at M.1 are curated by changing artistic directors. Two separate, fully equipped guest appartments are available on the upper floor of the building. In addition, a communal kitchen, a library and a communal studio space are free for use. The house has a separate playroom for children, as well as a spacious garden.


– 24.07. – 06.08.2025 (Thursday to Wednesday) for two scholarship holders with up to six children in total

– 08.08. – 22.08.2025 (Friday to Thursday) for two scholarship holders without accompanying children

– 28.08. – 10.09.2025 (Thursday to Wednesday) for two scholarship holders without accompanying children

Organisational details

The scholarship includes a lump sum of 1,700 euros, a rent-free stay in a guest appartment in the M.1 in Hohenlockstedt (including utilities and cleaning), on-site childcare and a travel allowance for travelling to and from the location. The scholarships are intended for parents only. Please refer to the FAQ for details.


Professional childcare is provided for the children travelling with you, and lunch is also provided for the children. Please refer to the FAQ for details.

Application requirements

The call for applications is aimed specifically at cultural professionals with parental responsibility. Eligible to apply for the scholarships are professionally active visual artists and curators as well as authors (fiction, poetry, children’s and youth literature, theatre, screenplays, non-fiction), comic artists and literary translators, who have already completed their studies. Candidates with children between the ages of one and 16 are eligible to apply.

Application documents

– Completed application form

– Letter of motivation (max. 2,000 characters) with a description of the planned project

– Curriculum vitae in table form with details of care work, publications or exhibition experience

– Proof of private liability insurance (can be submitted later)

For the literature section

– Text sample, max. 5 standard pages (please do not submit books)

For the field of visual arts

– Proof of artistic or curatorial work: artistic or curatorial portfolio (max. 25 pages), catalogues (digital), press


The documents are to be submitted exclusively digitally by email as a PDF to only. The application deadline is Sunday, 08.12.24 (23:59). Documents submitted after this time will not be considered. The maximum file size per PDF document is 10 MB. An independent jury of experts will decide on the awarding of the scholarships. The selection will be announced in January.


Charlotte Perka and Katja Schroeder

Office hours: Tuesday 12 – 3 p.m.Phone: +49 (0)4826 850110, e-mail:

1 ABCD area of the Hamburg Transport Association (HVV), see also:
The text excerpt can, but does not have to, originate from the project that is being worked on during the scholarship.

Antragsformular: Parents in Arts, 2025 (DOC, 69.5 KB)

FAQ (Deutsch): Parents in Arts, 2025 (PDF, 2.0 MB)

FAQ (English): Parents in Arts, 2025 (PDF, 722.6 KB)

Website link: