Biennale Tecnologia
Biennale Tecnologia 2026: Curator Call / Expression of interestPOLITECNICO DI TORINO BIENNALE TECNOLOGIA 2026 Notice for the collection of expressions of interest aimed at identifying one or more project proposals, and their curatorship, for the fifth edition of Biennale Tecnologia (April 2026) 1-Subject of the expression of interesta) Biennale Tecnologia ( is a major cultural event […]
Biennale Tecnologia 2026: Curator Call / Expression of interest
Notice for the collection of expressions of interest aimed at identifying one or more project proposals, and their curatorship, for the fifth edition of Biennale Tecnologia (April 2026)
1-Subject of the expression of interest
a) Biennale Tecnologia ( is a major cultural event of international scope designed and realised every two years by the Politecnico di Torino as part of its public engagement activities, with over 50,000 visitors per edition. Its main objective is to explore the relationship between technology and society, animating public debate with lectures, meetings, dialogues, exhibitions, shows, screenings and school workshops all over the city of Turin. An open, plural and inclusive reflection that promotes constructive dialogue between different forms of knowledge – based on the hard, human, social and applied sciences – on technology and the decisive role it has now assumed in all spheres of life on our planet. Each edition of Biennale Tecnologia calls for the participation of experts and speakers from all over the world who, moving from their own discipline, animate a rich calendar of events with a strong interdisciplinary character, open to the entire population.
b)In view of the forthcoming edition of Biennale Tecnologia (5th edition, April 2026) Politecnico di Torino intends to solicit expressions of interest in order to identify cultural projects related to the themes of the event and related curators (“guest curators”), possibly assisted by their own curatorial teams. These projects will be aimed at enriching the programme of the fifth edition of Biennale Tecnologia (April 2026), flanking and interacting with the programme curated by Politecnico di Torino (Curator: Prof. Guido Saracco).
c) Each project proposal entails the conception and development of a thematic itinerary, possibly divided into sub-paths, on topics of particular relevance within the public debate on the relationship between technology and society. The thematic path described in the proposal should be structured in at least 15 events, including lectures, debates, performances and other formats of knowledge dissemination, which will be part of the programme of the fifth edition of the Biennale Tecnologia. Each project proposal must be filled in with the names of the expected speakers, who will be contacted by the guest curators in agreement with Politecnico di Torino.
2- Requirements
a) Expressions of interest may be submitted by (“applicant”) teachers, researchers, journalists, curators of cultural events, editorial curators or renowned experts working in Italy or abroad, possibly assisted by their own teams. The applicant remains solely responsible for the project proposal.
b) The general requirements for proposing entities are:
having reached the age of 18;
holding civil and political rights: if applicants hold a citizenship other than Italian, they must be subject to civil and political rights in the country they come from or belong to;
not being subject to disqualification from holding public office, or to any other sanction or impediment, of a legal or financial nature, entailing a prohibition to contract with the Public Administrations;
not being involved in ongoing disputes in conflict of interest with Politecnico di Torino and not being in any case involved in situations of incompatibility envisaged by the regulations in force in Italy.
c) The participation requirements for proponents are:
• Professional experience (to be adequately substantiated by documentary evidence):
to have had in the last five years, or in active employment, in Italy or abroad:
i. positions of direction, coordination, responsibility for studies, research or technological development in scientific and technological disciplines relevant to Biennale Tecnologia within cultural institutes, universities or research centres, public or private.
ii. professional activities of national or international relevance as a disseminator, critic, journalist, essayist or curator of meetings and cultural events aimed at dissemination, outreach or public engagement of scientific and technological topics.
• Language skills: excellent knowledge of at least one language between Italian and English.
Deadline: 10 Jan 2025
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