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Charlottenborg Foundation Expo Open Call

Charlottenborg FoundationSince 1857, the Charlottenborg Foundation has invited artists every year to apply for admission to the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition. Who can apply for admission to Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2025?Everyone, regardless of background, education and nationality, can apply with up to five contributions (work or series of works) within, but not limited to, the categories […]

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    Charlottenborg Foundation
    Since 1857, the Charlottenborg Foundation has invited artists every year to apply for admission to the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition.

    Who can apply for admission to Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2025?
    Everyone, regardless of background, education and nationality, can apply with up to five contributions (work or series of works) within, but not limited to, the categories of art, architecture and crafts/design and performance. Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Individuals as well as groups are welcome to apply.

    How much does it cost?
    The application fee is 500DKK (approx 70$) and is paid online as the first step of the application process. The application cannot be completed and approved unless the payment has been completed. You can pay with the following cards: Dankort, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron. You will receive a receipt for your purchase by e-mail. Once your payment is approved, you can upload your contributions and post-edit until deadline.

    How many works can I apply with?
    You can search with five contributions (work or work series) and for each contribution you can upload up to four documentation images. You can search within, but not limited to, the categories of art, architecture, crafts, design and performance, interdisciplinary projects and text. The Charlottenborg Foundation and this year’s jury also encourage you to apply with:

    Collections: Apply with your personal or collection of e.g. utility items, images, digital files, objects, etc.
    Performance: In 2025, there is a stage at the Spring Exhibition. Apply to perform with your performance, dance, text or music.
    Unrealized projects: Apply with sketches, documentation and models from non-realized works and projects.

    The Charlottenborg Foundation and this year’s jury encourage additional associations, groups, collectives and organizations to apply.There is a time limit of 5 minutes on video, film, animation and other time-based works. The time limit only applies to the application view and not for the final display of any accepted works.

    The Charlottenborg Foundation encourages the applicant to add notes or additional descriptions of the uploaded works. The works must not be more than 2 years from the time of application and must not have been exhibited before at other censored exhibitions in Denmark.

    What should I submit when I apply?
    All rounds of the censorship process are digital. This means that no physical works are received for the jury’s assessment. You need to upload your contributions digitally. The images of your contributions should be of such good quality that the jury cannot be in any doubt as to the appearance and character of the work. We accept the following digital formats and data types: .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf, .swf, .mp4, .mp3, YouTube video or other online works (must be run on regular browser (e.g. Mozilla/Internet Explorer), URL is inserted into the application. Please note: Do not leave your data sizes higher than necessary. We do not post-compress your files, so also think that it must be reasonable for the jury to download and experience.

    When and how do I know that I am busy or not?
    An art professional jury consisting of the artist collective coyote assesses for the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2025 all applications in confidence. The jury’s final decision is sent out by email and all applicants get answers about d. January 13, 2025. Once a work is accepted for the exhibition, the applicant cannot require the work not to be exhibited. The applicant may also not claim a work back until the exhibition is over. The spring exhibition 2025 is open in the period 6. February – March 9.

    If I get busy, will I get an exhibition fee?
    In the event that your/your work(s) has been accepted for the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2024, the Charlottenborg Foundation will pay DKK 2,500 to each artist(group) to exhibit.

    Deadline: December 22, 2024
    Website linkhttps://www.foraarsudstillingen.dk/en/ansog/