Chateau Gallery Call For Entry: The Abstract Image

The Abstract Image highlights the transformative power of abstraction in photography, allowing us to break free from reality and explore the myriad possibilities within non-representational states. This theme invites artists to push the boundaries of photographic art by exploring alternative, experimental, or even accidental elements of the captured image that exhibit photography’s ability to serve as a conduit for visual metaphor and personal expression.

The Abstract Image is an international open call for artists ages 18 and older. All forms of two-dimensional images, traditional, and non-conventional media, black and white, color, conventional, or alternative processes with a subjective analog or digital photographic base are welcome for submission.

Submission Deadline: December 15th, 2023

Juror Notifications: December 25th, 2023

Format: Online Exhibition

Exhibition: January 1st, 2024 – February 1st, 2024

Terms of Entry

The Abstract Image is open to national and international artists ages 18 and older.

All entrants, by virtue of their submission, are attesting that the images submitted are their own work and there has been no copyright infringement of any artist, living or deceased. 

All submissions must be original and completed by the artist’s hand. If work is part of a limited edition, please include the number of the edition.

You will be subscribed to our newsletter and may opt-out at any time.

We cannot accept submissions or provide services from the following sanctioned countries: Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Belarus, Russia. Visit our Terms of Service page and updated U.S. Foreign Policy Compliance Statement for more information.

Submissions and Acceptance

Approximately 30 images will be selected by the Curator, Director, and Guest Juror(s) for exhibition in The Chateau’s Online Gallery (TCG). Participants will be notified of their selection approximately 10 days after the deadline. Selected participants will also be listed on our website’s home and exhibition page. Accepted work will be hosted on TCG’s website and promoted on social media throughout the scheduled programming. Submissions not selected for the exhibition are categorized into themes and stored for one year for consideration in future exhibitions. Please do not include your name, watermarks, or personal information.


Participants who have priced their work for sale will be contacted promptly regarding any purchase inquiry of their work. Participants will retain 70% from sales. TCG will retain 30% commission on any work sold through TCG and its agents. Artists will be responsible for fulfillment of sales and any additional costs. Participants may list their work Not for Sale (NFS). However, participants are encouraged to price their work.


Curator’s Choice, Director’s Choice, and three Honorable Mentions will be awarded and featured in the online gallery. Curators Choice and Directors Choice are invited to submit three free entries into three calls for entry of their choice. Honorable Mention recipients are will receive one free entry into one call for entry of their choice.

Submission Fee

Hosting exhibitions is rather expensive. A $20 entry fee is required and used to support advertising, promotional materials, and administrative costs.

Website link for apply: Call For Entry: The Abstract Image — TCG Contemporary Art Gallery (

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