Curiocabinetmag Open Call for Submission

Curiocabinetmag Open Call for Submission

Submissions are currently open! Stay tuned for updates on our Twitter and Instagram!

~ We are seeking unpublished prose, poetry, and visual art from anyone and everyone! 

~ All subject matters are welcome; that said, we will not publish anything overly graphic or offensive. Please keep in mind the theme of the issue that you are submitting to, as each of our individual issues center around a general concept.

~ We consider simultaneous submissions, but we ask that you notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

~ You can submit up to three works for each category per issue.


~ We allow work in various languages, although we ask that an English translation is provided if the full piece is not written in English. Works that involve code-switching do not require a complete translation.

~ For poetry, a maximum of three poems per author is accepted.

~ For prose, up to three pieces with a max. word count of 2000 words per piece is accepted.

~ Please submit written works as a Google Doc or Word doc. 

Visual Art

~ Various forms of visual art will be considered, including photography, art, digital illustration, etc. Due to the nature of our publication, we will not be able to accept video.

~ Up to three pieces of original work will be accepted, with an exception of a series that includes multiple pieces.

~ Please submit work in jpg., png., or tiff. file types. 

RightsUpon acceptance of your submission, you grant us first electronic rights to your work. All submissions remain the intellectual property of the artist. Rights revert back to the author upon publication.​​

Deadline: September 20th 2023


Website link: submissions – curio cabinet (

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