Ding Residency

Design in Gesellschaft (DING for short) is a studio community in Vienna’s 20th district. Based on the conviction that the days of authorial design are numbered and that many things can be advanced more courageously, better and with more joy in a collective – in Gesellschaft, that is – the members of the association work sometimes side by side, then again with each other in changing constellations, depending on expertise and availability.
Around a secluded inner courtyard, they run several workshops and regularly stage exhibitions in the large hall that show that design is not just about beautiful surfaces, but about imagining new perspectives for the future and questioning old habits. How should our city function? What should new furniture production look like? Are we still allowed to produce at all? Design in Gesellschaft cooperates with museums, industry and science.

DING (Design in Gesellschaft) is looking for two designers-in-residence for summer 2024.
The open call is for designers and people adjacent to design. It is open to national and international designers. There will be two spots for residents at the same time. The residency will take 4 weeks and conclude with a guest exhibition & event to show the results of the residency in middle of september. As we know that 4 weeks is not a long time we welcome wip-outcomes or designers with a strong practice who look for a space where they can explore their existing practice further.

We offer 1500,- € as a support.
Duration: 4 weeks. Middle of August-Middle of September
Location: Design in Gesellschaft (Engerthstrasse 124, Vienna, Austria)
Financial Support:1500€ (we require you to send us an invoice)
Presentation of work/Exhibtion: 13. September- End of September

DING provides:

  • studio with shared facilities and kitchen
  • workshop (wood, metal, 3d print, fabric)
  • Deskspace
  • Cosy courtyard
  • Community cooking everyday
  • a fellow resident and people working at the studio to exchange with
  • exhibition/presentation of work at the end of the residency in our gallery
  • Possibility to be part of our group show in September (working title: Coding)

Content of the Application:

  • intended residency project (1500 characters max, with visualisation if possible)
  • Information about designer (CV + who you are, why you want to work here, tell us a bit
    about yourself)
  • portfolio in pdf/website
  • contact information (first and last name, address, email)

How to apply:

  • Applications should be sent via email by June 9th, 2024 (23:59 CET)
  • Email: mail@designingesellschaft.com
  • Subject of email: : Open Call 2024 – Name
    The resident is chosen communally by Design in Gesellschaft members.
    Applicants will be notified via e-mail on 13th of June 2024.
    We are exited to receive your applications and meeting you in person.
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Additional Info:
Location and history:
Design in Gesellschaft (DING for short) is a studio community in Vienna’s 20th district. Based on the conviction that the days of authorial design are numbered and that many things can be advanced more courageously, better and with more joy in a collective – in Gesellschaft, that is – the members of the association work sometimes side by side, then again with each other in changing constellations, depending on expertise and availability.
Around a secluded inner courtyard, they run several workshops and regularly stage exhibitions in the large hall that show that design is not just about beautiful surfaces, but about imagining new perspectives for the future and questioning old habits. How should our city function? What should new furniture production look like? Are we still allowed to produce at all? Design in Gesellschaft cooperates with museums, industry and science.

Group Show in September:
We will have our annual group exhibition end of September during the Vienna Design Week.
If your project/ work fits into the theme, there is a possibility to exhibit there as well. The exhibition revolves around the topic of Coding, exploring different forms of social, digital, behavioral, cultural, organic programming.
Our workshops are kinda accessible. If you inform us about your reduced mobility we will make sure it’s fully accessibility for you.

Website link: https://designingesellschaft.com/

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