The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Environmental Photography Award is an annual contest, now in its fourth year, created with the aim of rewarding photographers who put their creativity to good use in raising awareness of the need to protect the environment.

Photographers are invited to reflect on humanity’s relationship with nature, and the interrelation between human health and planetary health.

The award has a prize fund of €11,000, and as well as awarding the title of Environmental Photographer of the Year 2024, thirty six photographs chosen by the Jury will be presented in an international touring exhibition, launching in the Principality of Monaco, as well as in a high-quality photography book.

There are 5 categories:

• Polar Wonders
• Humanity Versus Nature
• Ocean Worlds
• Into the Forest
• Change Makers: Reasons for Hope

Photographers can enter up to 5 images in each of the 5 categories, allowing therefore for a maximum of 25 images in total.

Grand Prize Winner

The title “Environmental Photographer of the Year 2024”

€5,000 grant

Invitation (including travel and accommodation) to visit the Amazon Research Station of the University of Ecuador, and to do a photo documentary in the field, in the heart of the Ecuadorian jungle

Invitation (including travel and accommodation) to the inauguration of the 2024 exhibition in the Principality of Monaco

Public relations support of the Foundation through its communication channels, including social media, press, and newsletter

Category Winners

€1,000 grant for each of the 5 category winners

Public relations support of the Foundation through its communication channels, including social media, press, and newsletter

Public Award & Students’ Choice

(to be chosen for each across all categories)

€500 grant for the Public Award winning image

€500 grant for the Students’ Choice winning image

Shortlisted Photographers

Featured in the Environmental Photography Award 2024 exhibition in Monaco and on its international tour

Published in, and receiving two complimentary copies of the Environmental Photography Award 2024 catalogue.

Deadline: 5 November 2023

Website link: Home | PA2F Environmental Photography Award 2024 | Photocrowd photo competitions & community site