Grants for visual art organisations working with schools and teachers

We want to hear your plans for bold and innovative projects that build collaborative relationships between schools and visual art organisations. We are looking for projects that centre teachers in creative approaches to art education that inspire and engage young people.

A variety of eligible art organisations can apply for grants of up to £25,000 per year for projects over one or two years. We are particularly interested in applications for tried and tested, existing projects, where the funding is allocated to enhance and/or scale the programmes and their impact.

To apply, please download Expression of Interest (EOI) forms and Guidance For Applicant pack from this page. The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest is 15 March 2023.


Schools are not eligible to be directly funded as grantees in this round. However, if your school would like to connect with Freelands Foundation, please email our Education Team at

About the Spring 2023 Fund

The Spring 2023 Fund opens for Expressions of Interest on 8 February 2023. We want to hear your plans for bold and innovative projects

that build collaborative relationships between schools and visual art organisations. We are looking for projects that centre teachers in creative approaches to art education that inspire and engage young people.

A range of eligible art organisations can apply for grants of up to £25,000 per year for projects over one or two years. We are particularly interested in applications for tried and tested, existing projects, where the funding is allocated to enhance and/or scale the programmes and their impact.

How to apply

We use a two-stage application process consisting of:

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI): in this stage, you can introduce your organisation and your project. The EOI consists of key practical information, eligibility checks and two short, questions about your organisation and proposed project.

The EOI form is available for download here. Open: 8 February 2023

Deadline: 15 March 2023

Outcome communicated to applicants: w/c 17 April 2023

  • Full Application: following assessment of the EOIs, selected organisations will be invited to submit a full application. In this stage, you can explain in depth into how your project aligns with the fund’s aims, your partnership with the school(s) and teacher(s), the intended beneficiaries and how your project meets their needs, how the project fits into your organisation’s wider work, and what are the expected outcomes. We will request additional information including a budget and risk register.

Invitation to Full Application: w/c 17 April 2023 Deadline: w/c 12 June 2023

Outcome communicated to applicants: w/c 24 July 2023

Who can apply

The Spring 2023 Fund is open to organisations that meet all the below criteria:

  1. Visual Arts

Organisations including museums, non-commercial galleries, education organisations, studio providers, etc. working in the

visual arts with proven track record of learning and education work, and established partnerships or networks of schools and teachers.

  • Charitable Status
    • Organisations registered with The Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Scottish Charity Regulator, or The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
  • Exempt charities
    • Galleries, museums, or organisations part of a Local Authority
    • Galleries, museums, or organisations part of a larger charitable organisation, such as a university
    • Community Interest Companies (please note additional eligibility criteria will apply)
  • Location

Your organisation must be based in England Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. The activity must benefit UK based schools, teachers, and students.

  • School partner(s)

Grants can be made to eligible art organisations and not to schools directly. However, in order to be eligible to apply, a school(s) partnership will have to be in place and confirmed by the applicant organisation, and evidence provided that the project will be managed jointly by the organisation and the partnering school(s) and teachers.

Schools’ covers: any state or academy educational institution for children 4–18 years including schools for children with special educational needs.

  • Timing

Funding will be provided no earlier than September 2023. Only expenditure that occurs after a grant is awarded can be funded, and funds cannot

be applied to retrospective expenses. All specific expenditure for which the grant is requested must fall within the grant period of up to two years, although your project may have started before and/or continue beyond this period.

  • Safeguarding and Inclusion

Your organisation must have regularly reviewed safeguarding and equal access/inclusion policies.

  • Existing grantees

Organisations who have a prior or existing grant relationship with Freelands Foundation are eligible to apply to the Spring 2023 Fund. However, some additional exclusions will apply:

  • You may not apply for funding for a programme that is already funded by Freelands Foundation. This includes top-up grants, or grants

for expansion of a funded project currently underway that Freelands Foundation already supports.

  • You may not apply for funding for a programme that has

been previously declined for funding by Freelands Foundation.

The Spring 2023 Fund will not support:

  • Funding for schools directly
    • Projects that are solely artistic and do not centre education (for example, exhibitions or commissions of work)
    • Direct grants for individuals, including for travel, study, or other purposes
    • Building works or capital campaigns
    • Work that does not have direct benefit in the UK
    • Retrospective funding for programmes or work that has already taken place.


Freelands Foundation is committed to making its grant funding

accessible to as many eligible organisations as possible. If anyone in your organisation requires additional assistance or information in accessible formats, please email with the subject line ‘Spring 2023 Fund – Access’.

website: Freelands Foundation – Spring 2023 Fund – Open Call