Goriza Design Week For Fiber Artists and Textile Designers

CALL FOR DESIGNERS & ARTISTS – Deadline: June the 15th, 2024 @14:00 (CET)

Art. 1 Objective of the call

The MuDeFri (Design Museum of Friuli Venezia Giulia) is a virtual museum dedicated to the culture of design. Conceived in an innovative way using the opportunities offered by the internet, since 2016 it has been offering online exhibitions and organizing UDINE DESIGN WEEK.

In the occasion of GO! 2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia European Capital of Culture, and with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, MuDeFri organizes GORIZIA DESIGN WEEK, a week dedicated to design culture with a rich program of exhibitions and events that will enliven the city in the month of March 2025.

The objective of the call is to investigate one of the most important aspects that have characterized the area of Gorizia-Nova Gorica in the past, and which still contribute to its economic development through design: the textile sector, in its many connotations ranging from craftsmanship, to industrial production, up to contemporary art.

Among the planned activities, 3/4 designers plus 3/4 contemporary artists (with particular attention to participants under 40 on January 31, 2024) will be offered the opportunity to exhibit their work at GORIZIA DESIGN WEEK, also forecasting the participation in the activities open to the public.

Therefore, the MuDeFri is announcing a competition to identify these works and artists, selecting the candidacies in two categories:

Art 2. Designers Category

Eligible projects:

Design projects, prototypes, products that have a function of use and that investigate the world of textile understood in its broadest form. Considering that everything flexible is textile, projects in the following areas are possible:

• Lamps with fabric diffusers

• Seats where the textile or weaving are a determining part

• Prints on fabric with particular and innovative effects

• Sports equipment characterized by weaves or technical fabrics

• Revisitation of lace, crochet, embroideries

• Wall or floor decorations

The projects presented may be published or unpublished. For projects that have already been presented to the public, it must be declared which awards they were presented for and with what results (whether or not they are already on the market or when their release onto the market is expected).

The participation is open to:

• designers, independent designers and architects;

• students of design and architecture in schools or academies

• Group participation is permitted, but a group leader must be appointed and he/she will be the sole responsible and contact person for the organization.

Participation is prohibited for members of the Jury, their families, employees of the promoting bodies and the professional offices of the jury members.

What we offer to the winners:

• Exhibition of the works selected within the framework of the design week: a widespread exhibition is planned in the cross-border city fabric;

• Coverage of transport and shipping costs of the work/piece to be shipped;

• The selected contemporary designers may be invited to meet the public of the European Capital of Culture GO! 2025 as protagonists of events, talks, workshops and engaging activities with the public: occasions organized in order to raise awareness of their artistic practices and experiences, and, in this case, the costs of travel, food and accommodation will be supported by the project;

• Those selected will also receive a fee for their participation in the activities, as well as for the loan of the piece/work.

How to submit your application/rules for the application:

For applications related to the design, send:

• Portfolio and CV

• In a separate file, send the candidate textile project or product explained by technical drawings / illustrations /  images / photos / renderings and a short description of concept and materials.

• Large files (videos, high definition photos) can be sent via WeTransfer to the same email address below

• Email address: call@mudefri.it

• DEADLINE: by June the 15th 2024 at 2.00 pm (CET).

Art. 3 Contemporary Artists Category

Elegible artistic Projects and artworks:

Works of art and artistic projects that present significant elements of research, innovation, thematic commitment using fabric, without excluding any media or expressive language. Particular attention will be given to projects that revisit the fabric in a symbolic key (for example, but not exhaustively: projects that look at the fabric as a symbol of union and connection between humans; fabric as a set of connected urban nodes; textile as a thread between people, or between people and nature). Projects that consider the intersection with elements of local history and landscape relating to Gorizia-Nova Gorica and linked to reflections on accessibility/democracy, without limitations in media and languages, will also be taken into consideration. Particular consideration will be given to works of art, performances, contributions and artistic experiments that propose hybridization between languages (installations, video-artistic, photographic-pictorial, sound…)

The participation is open to:

• Students of the Academy of Fine Arts (or similar institutions),

• Independent artists,

  • Participation in the form of a collective/group is permitted, but a group leader must be appointed and he/she will be the sole responsible and contact person for the organization.

Participation is prohibited for members of the Jury, their families, employees of the promoting bodies and the professional offices of the jury members.

What we offers to the winners:

• Exhibition of artworks selected in the framework of the design week: a widespread exhibition is planned within the city fabric;

• Coverage of transport and shipping costs of the artworks;

• The selected contemporary artists may be able to meet the public of the European Capital of Culture GO! 2025 as protagonists of events, talks, workshops and activities with the public organized in order to raise awareness of their artistic practices and experiences, and, in this case, the costs of travel, food and accommodation will be supported by the project;

• Those selected will also receive fee for their participation in the activities as well as for the loan of the artwork.

How to submit your application/rules for the application:

For applications related to the contemporary art category, simply send:

• An artistic portfolio or CV

• In a separate file, send the candidate textile artwork/art project (inserting sufficient images/photos to describe its nature), if desired, process documents can be added.

• Large files (videos, high definition photos) can be sent via WeTransfer to the same email address below

• Email address: call@iodeposito.org

  • DEADLINE: by June the 15th 2024 at 2.00 pm (CET).

Art.4 Composition of the Juries

Two separate juries, each made up of 3 people with the right to vote, will select the projects received. The decisions of the Jury will be taken by majority and will be unquestionable. NB. The jury reserves the possibility, also in reference to the number and type of applications received, to make direct invitations for the participation of designers and artists in the program, in order to harmonize the lines and the content.

Art.5 Call Trustee

The trustee is the Design Museum of Friuli Venezia Giulia, MuDeFri, APS.

Art. 6 Information and results divulgation

The Design Museum of Friuli Venezia Giulia undertakes to present the initiative to the national press and to enhance the results of the competition through the actions it deems most appropriate.

By responding to this call, all applicants hereby authorize the Design Museum of Friuli Venezia Giulia to exhibit the project if selected. The applicants also authorize the Design Museum of Friuli Venezia Giulia to publish their project in the catalog and in the specialized press; for this reason nothing will be due other than the obligation to cite the author(s).

Candidates/applicants also agree that all materials (text and images) can be freely modified according to the communication needs of the various tools used, and that the Design Museum of Friuli Venezia Giulia and their associates are exempt from any liability for any violation of the third party rights. The Design Museum of Friuli Venezia Giulia will communicate the results of the competition to all participants within 60 days. from the end of the same by email and telephone to the winners and only via the website for all other participants.

Website link: https://mudefri.it/en/blog/open-call-go2025/

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