Spooky scary skeletons invite you to sink your fangs into all things zine at the Coin-Operated Press spooktacular HALLOZINE FAIR! This callout form invites you to apply for a table at the fair, and note your interest in running a workshop!

If you’re looking for the volunteer application form – follow this link!!!

When: Saturday 26th October

What time: 10:30-16:30 (set-up 10am and pack-down by 5pm sharp!)Where: National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EW

We are exceptionally lucky to have been offered the venue space at the National Library for free. Venues are the largest costs when running a fair, but not the only cost (e.g. paying workshop facilitators, paying for promo posters and flyers, paid socials advertising, paying for volunteer expenses, buying decor, and candy! etc). We are keen to make this fair as accessible as possible for tablers, so we will be offering a pay-what-you-can suggested donation system for our table fees.

WORKSHOPS!!! We have also been given a smaller space in the library to run workshops out of. In this form, please indicate whether you would be interested in running a workshop and we will send you more information and a more detailed form to gather more information from you. Ideally, your workshop will be relevant to zine-making and/or indie publishing, but we also welcome applications for workshops featuring other creative practices too. I’m also keen to encourage folks who have never run a workshop before but have always thought about it a chance to give it a go! I’m a wee anxious bean, and I run workshops – if I can do it, you can too!!! Workshop facilitators will be paid, and the workshops will be programmed to run alongside the fair. They will be ticketed on a donation system, and sign-ups will be publicised prior to the fair.

The deadline for stallholder applications will be Monday the 23rd September 2024
We will aim to send decisions out by Friday the 27th of September 2024

Please email as at coinoperatedpress@gmail.com or DM us at @CoinOpPress on any of the socials if you have any questions.

Website link: https://www.coinoperatedpress.com/