International Photography Contest: Educating the Eye

The municipality of Castell-Platja d’Aro organizes different photography contests throughout the year. From small competitions at the local level to an annual international competition.

“Educating the Eye” is our international photography contest, for photographers of all levels and with a free theme. With participants from 40+ countries in previous editions. Participate now!

Theme and technique
The theme is free, as well as the technique used. The only requirement is that the images must have been taken with a photographic camera or any other device with camera; all sorts of manipulation and hybridization are allowed. The original image files should be printable in photographic quality with a minimum size of DinA4 (min. 3600px at the large side).


Educating the Eye is an international contest of photographic projects, suitable for all levels. We’ve had participants from more than 40 countries in previous editions!


The theme of each project is free of choice. Photos must have been taken with any device that has a camera. Creativity and expressive capacity will be valued mainly.


A total of €5,250 in prizes will be awarded, distributed among the 5 winning projects. In addition, there will be an exhibition with the winning and finalist projects.

The winners of the contest will receive the following prizes:
• First prize: €2,000
• Second prize: €1,000
• Third prize: €500
• Prize for young author (under 35 years old): €1,000
• Local prize (for authors residing in the province of Girona): €750

Contest rules

Each author can present a maximum of two photographic projects. The creativity and expressive capacity of the projects are especially valued.

From 6 to 12 images should be presented at 72 dpi in jpeg, sRGB color space and 1920 pixels on the longest side of the image, for each project presented. The images should be named as follows: title of the project _ number of the series. For example, MyProject_01.jpg. The maximum upload size is 3Mb per image.
Finalists and winners will be requested to send the files in a larger size (minimum size 3600px on the long side) to allow for print usage at an exhibition in a gallery of the municipality of Castell-Platja d’Aro, with dates around the yearly Photographic Weekend Platja d’Aro. Not sending the files in this minimum size and within the dates indicated by the organization may be a reason for disqualification.

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