Become our next artist in residence

The Artist In Residence Program (AIR) serves K – 5 students in all six Jamestown elementary schools following the school calendar. Residency options include a fall semester and a winter/spring semester, or both. Artists follow a visual arts curriculum structured on basic design elements working with teachers and administrators. Each rotation requires a completed “Unit Plan” which includes lesson plans or goals, supplies needed, and a section for teacher feedback.

The resident artist may use the rest of the day and the weekends for personal studio time, including access to the pottery studio and print shop, and teaching classes at the Arts Center.

Exhibition Opportunity
Artists who are contracted far enough in advance (at least 6 months) may have the opportunity to exhibit in the Arts Center Gallery while they are in residence.

Stipend Includes
Living quarters-furnished: two bedroom apartment above The Arts Center, studio space and classroom supplies, and hourly compensation for teaching. Artist is responsible for own meals, etc.

The Arts Center Facility: The Arts Center is operated by the Jamestown Fine Arts Association that has been in existence for over 50 years. The Center’s current facility was renovated in 2012 and features a 2000 sq. ft. exhibition space, a performance/stage area of approximately 400 sq. ft., and a classroom used for all media and exclusively for children’s classes. In 2009 the Arts Center added an annex called the Hansen Arts Studio, which includes one classroom dedicated to ceramics and kiln operation, an adult art classroom, and the Arts Center is in the process of developing a print shop.

How To Apply
Submit resume. Visual artists should submit up to 20 JPEG images of personal and student work. Submit contact information for references, one personal and two professional. Email to Director of Education & Exhibitions: Anna Jacobson

Selection Process
Selection is based on artistic merit and quality of teaching curriculum selection process is on‐going.

Website link: