Established in 2001, the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts (KHN) is a renowned Artist Residency program that supports established and emerging visual artists, writers, composers, and interdisciplinary artists worldwide. Uniquely housed in a residential prairie-style complex in Nebraska City, Nebraska, KHN awards up to seventy residency awards per year and hosts 5 residents at any time. Residency awards are 2-8 weeks in length and include a weekly $175 stipend. In addition, residents receive their own private bedroom, bathroom, and studio.


Each item will be presented as a separate form within our online application portal. Before submitting your application, download the WORK SAMPLES Guidelines specific to your discipline (file links located bottom of page) and follow the directions to help prepare files. Application sections include:

  • General Application Information including your preferred dates and length of residency.
  • 2 Statements: A Statement of Submitted Works that clarifies the work and/or its relevance within contemporary or historical creative practices, contemporary society/issues, or the evolution of your personal creative practice; and a Statement of Intent regarding how you intend to utilize your time and why a residency at KHN is important to you at this point in your career.
    • PLEASE NOTE: KHN utilizes a blind jury process. The ONLY items seen and reviewed by jurors are WORK SAMPLES and STATEMENTS. Jurors rate applications based solely on the quality and relevance of the submitted work and the statements’ effectiveness in clarifying the work and the applicant’s intentions for a residency.
    • Statements MUST be ANONYMOUS. Do NOT include your NAME, CREDITS, AWARDS, UNIVERSITIES, EMPLOYERS, COLLABORATORS, COMMISSIONING OR PUBLISHING AGENTS, GALLERY OR VENUE NAMES, or any other identifying information within the statements.
  • Work Samples: See the guidelines PDF specific to your discipline (file links located bottom of page) to help you prepare your materials. Work Samples MUST be ANONYMOUS. Do NOT include your NAME, CREDITS, AWARDS, UNIVERSITIES, EMPLOYERS, COLLABORATORS, COMMISSIONING OR PUBLISHING AGENTS, GALLERY OR VENUE NAMES within any uploaded work samples, file names, or descriptions.
  • References: Contact information for two professional references that are familiar with your work and your potential to be a positive member of our small community of residents. 
  • Professional History from your current resume or CV. Your name MAY appear in the contents of this information.
  • Application Fee of $35 paid via credit card through the online portal. All fees MUST be paid through the online portal. We are not able to waive the application fee.

Application Fee

A $35 application fee applies and is collected through our online application portal. ALL applications for KHN residencies must be submitted through our online application process. Applications received via USPS mail or email will not be considered and exceptions will not be made. We are not able to waive the application fee for any reason.

Stipend, Housing, and Travel

Residency awards come with a weekly $175 stipend. All residents are provided with free housing that includes a private bedroom, bathroom, and studio space. Writers and visual artists generally share an apartment with one other resident, with shared kitchen, living room, and balcony. Composers are generally housed in a garden-level studio apartment.

All travel expenses are the responsibility of the awardee, with the exception of cab fare from Omaha or Lincoln on the day of arrial and/or departure.

There are two airports about an hour away: Omaha Eppley Airfield (OMA) and the Lincoln Airport (LNK). To get from either airport to Nebraska City, residents can arrange for transportation with Nebraska City’s Tree City Cab at least 24 hours prior to their arrival or departure. The taxi fare ($100 per trip) will be paid for by the Kimmel Foundation.

Residents can also consider traveling by train or bus to Lincoln or Omaha. The same arrangement with the taxi service applies. The Kansas City Airport (KCI) is two hours away. However, taxi service will not be paid for from Kansas City to Nebraska City.

Application deadlines are MARCH 1 and SEPTEMBER 1 annually*.

*If March or September 1st is a Sunday, then the deadline will conclude on Monday the 2nd.

  • The March 1 deadline determines awards scheduled July – December of the current calendar year. 
  • The September 1 deadline determines awards scheduled January – June of the following calendar year.

Upcoming Session Dates

  • 2024 Session 2: July 1 – December 20, 2024 Application CLOSED
  • 2025 Session 1: January 6 – June 20, 2025 Application will open May 1, 2024 with a September 1, 2024 deadline

When you indicate preferred dates in your application, be sure they fall within the session for which you are applying. If your schedule is flexible, you may note such in lieu of or in addition to exact dates in the application form. All residencies begin on a Monday and conclude on a Friday.

Website link: