Kültüř Gemma Curatorial Fellowship

kültüř gemma! awards a 6-month fellowship at the cultural institution KEX KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE.

Kunsthalle Exnergasse (KEX) is situated between diverse institutional forms, a niche where we strive to develop new ways of promoting artistic strategies. It is neither a gallery nor a museum nor an off-space. This “in-between” affords leeways – it enables but also demands versatile exhibition practices and project formats.

As an open platform spurred by a dynamic institutional turn, KEX engages with questions about the role and strategies of contemporary artistic work. In an increasingly fragile world, our task at KEX is to constantly intervene and evolve – locally, regionally, and internationally.

The fellowship is addressed to artists, curators, art mediators, as well as persons working at the interstices of these areas, offering them an opportunity to curate an exhibition at the KEX.

The fellowship is divided into two phases: April to May 2024 and October 2024 to January 2025.

A six-month fellowship is offered to curate an exhibition project at KEX, which is divided into two phases and ends in January 2025 with the presentation of the exhibition. The fellow will receive a monthly grant of 1,300 Euros awarded by kültüř gemma!
The fellowship is intended for cultural producers, curators, art educators, and individuals who work at the intersection of the abovementioned fields. It provides them with an opportunity to curate an exhibition project within the KEX series “What’s important to us” at Kunsthalle Exnergasse.
KEX will finance the exhibition project to the amount of 6000 Euros. In addition to this funding, KEX covers the costs of press and public relations as well as the set-up/disassembly work. The curation and organisation of the exhibition project ensues in collaboration with the KEX team; the opening is scheduled for January 2025.
The fellow is expected to begin the basic concept planning for the exhibition project in a dialogue with the KEX team in April 2024. This ensures that PR work can be performed on time. The grant is therefore divided into two phases: April to May 2024 and October 2024 to January 2025.
Besides the curatorial work, the fellow is expected to participate in various project-related activities such as PR, social media communication, documentation, etc. during the fellowship period.
There will also be a final presentation by all kültür gemma! fellows and grantees, at which the KEX fellow will present the work. Meetings with curatorial support will take place once a month for the conception of this event.

The fellowship will start in April 2024 and is divided in two phases.

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The deadline for submission is February 25, 2024.

Start of the Fellowship is April 2024.

Website link: https://kueltuergemma.at/en/open-call-kex

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