Labomedia, a resource association at the crossroads of digital and technical practices and contemporary artistic creation, in partnership with the Drac Centre-Val de loire, the Centre-Val de Loire region and the city of Orléans, is launching a call for applications for a one-month artistic research residency in the spring of 2024.

Following on from the first Bifurcations in 2023, they are looking to welcome an artist whose work deals with forms of misappropriation, technical and technological reappropriation, with a critical, mischievous, misappropriated or ecological approach… These few thematic references are not exclusive, and the residency is open to all forms of proposals and practices, without disciplinary barriers or divisions between creation, reflection, transmission and sharing.

Deadline: 15 January 2024

Who can apply? How ?

Practical and financial information

• Duration: 1 month continuously
• Period of 30 consecutive days to be defined with the artist between Monday March 18 and Friday June 21, 2024
• Fees: €1,790 (including €150 for the public presentation at the end of the residency)
• Production costs: €200 (on presentation of invoices or purchase covered by the structure)
• Coverage for accommodation (provision of an apartment), a per diem in the amount of €210 and return transport for the artist within the limit of €300
• Technical and artistic support provided by a representative of the structure
A residency agreement specifying the commitments of La Labomedia and the hosted artist will be signed before the start of the stay

Elements to provide to apply

Fill out the online form


• Monday January 15, 2024: deadline for submitting applications
• January 16 to 17, 2024: examination of applications by a college of members of the association, employees and qualified people outside the structure (artists, cultural professionals , technicians and administrators)
• Friday January 19, 2024: response to candidates by email
• Tuesday January 23, 2023: video interview with the selected candidates
• Wednesday January 24, 2023: announcement of the selected artist. e
• February 2023: organization of the stay
• Between Monday March 20 and Wednesday June 21, 2024: residence for 30 consecutive days in Orléans.

Website link: