The theme for the 2024 Lacuna Festivals is ‘Our Bodies / Our Homes.’ This theme was originally suggested by Karolina Podoska and

in a closely fought vote, was chosen as the theme for Lacuna festivals 2024 by the participating artists of Metamorphosis 2023.

Our Bodies/ Our Homes is an elusive and multi-layered theme, signifying a complex myriad of differing ideas in distinct areas. Lacuna Festivals are open to a broad interpretation of the theme but to help you get started, below are a few potential starting points.

Possible interpretations of the theme include:temporary dwellings; the body as a gateway into the present moment; our bodies as our first homes; how we can go into ourselves; mental health/ill health; our emotions; the womb as a home; mother earth; feeling comfortable in our own skin; the body as a house for the soul; the certainty of being in your own body; astral projection, somatic experiences and meditation; my body is a temple; feeling at home; an experience, a person or a place; judgements and values placed on physical appearances; biblical readings of the body as a home; gender dysmorphia; gender fluidity; the gender binary; the patriarchy and feminism; stereotypes; belonging and not belonging; having roots; genetics; family, friends and chosen family; questioning your body, location, life; fighting your demons; acceptance; chronic illness; disability; social model of disability and accessibility; care for self, others and the planet; pollution; fashion; the climate crisis; relationships; hiding from yourself; hiding yourself from others; gratitude; why life is dressed the way it is; spirituality; the essence of being; living alone; solitude; loneliness; togetherness; church as home; chosen family; societal norms; social media and it’s impact; artificial intelligence; memories; forgetfulness, alzheimers, dementia, cancer and other life limiting illnesses; you as a divine being; you are the universe and the universe is your home.


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Midnight 31st March 2024

As with previous festivals,  OUR BODIES / OUR HOMES 2024 will be delivered wherever possible in both a physical presence in Lanzarote, Canary Islands and online. Online, the festivals will use ArtSteps, Flickr and YouTube for the main galleries and the Lacuna Festivals social media pages for fringe activities and events.

Lacuna Festivals are non-hierarchical and completely unfunded. It is free to apply, free to take part and also free to visit all exhibitions.