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lottozero ON WEAVING Residency

Our cultural program ON WEAVING has been supported by the region of Tuscany with Toscanaincontemporanea 2024, and so we are thrilled to announce an OPEN CALL for designers and artists, offering a member of our community the opportunity to work with the TC2 for FREE.What does this residency provide?24h access and a personal desk at Lottozero’s […]

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    Our cultural program ON WEAVING has been supported by the region of Tuscany with Toscanaincontemporanea 2024, and so we are thrilled to announce an OPEN CALL for designers and artists, offering a member of our community the opportunity to work with the TC2 for FREE.
    What does this residency provide?
    24h access and a personal desk at Lottozero’s shared, co-working space and laboratory in Prato 
    24h access to a TC2 digital jacquard loom (3W,110 cm weaving width warped at 12 ends per cm, 1320 ends in total, 100% cottonin natural color)
    access to other weaving, spinning and knitting equipment in the lab, access to traditional and novel weaving materials 
    mentorship, logistical and technical support from the Lottozero staff to insure the successful realization of the project        
    Participation in company and museum visits

    The residency scheduling is flexible but should be in total 1 working week and should take place between October and November 2024 (please indicate your preference in the application) in Prato, Italy. The resident will receive 400 Euros as expense reimbursement and a materials budget of 200 Euros**. The artist will be responsible for locating housing and travel to and from Lottozero.

    ** materials budget does not go directly to artist, but is to be spent by the lab during the residency on supplies determined by the artist.

    While we can provide instructions for getting started on the TC2 and if needed a prior consultancy on the digital file preparation, the artist is ultimately responsible for the design and the execution of the final piece.
    Since we cannot provide full assistance, a basic knowledge of hand weaving is required.

    Please submit a portfolio with motivation letter outlining your goals for the residency and any past or current projects relating to textiles; your portfolio or website/instagram to opencall@lottozero.org

    Applications are due September 1st, 2024
    Applicants will be notified by September 18th, 2024

    Website link: https://www.lottozero.org/