There four sculpture Grants

1.Marilyn Newmark Memorial Grant

The Marilyn Newmark Memorial Grant is a $5,000 prize for a sculptor, specializing in animal sculpture, who has demonstrated a commitment to sculpting and outstanding ability in his/her/their body of work.

Applicants cannot be elected members of the National Sculpture Society.  All applicants must be citizens of or residents in the United States with a social security number.

The grant is for a mature body of work; sculpture created in workshop or instructional settings should not be submitted.

The jury will consist of three prominent sculptors.

The grant will be awarded in June 2024.

Deadline: Monday, October 9, 2023

Submission materials:

Images of 11 to 15 works of animal sculpture. Images must be in JPG (.jpg) format.

A brief resume.

NSS welcomes applications from all sculptors regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, socioeconomic status, education or disability.

2.Alex J. Ettl Grant

The Alex J. Ettl Grant is a prize of $5,000 sponsored by the National Sculpture Society.

It is awarded annually to a figurative or realist sculptor who has demonstrated a commitment to sculpting and outstanding ability in his/her/their body of work. The Ettl Grant is for a mature body of work; sculpture created in workshop or instructional settings should not be submitted.

Applicants cannot be elected members of the National Sculpture Society. All applicants must be citizens of or residents in the United States with a social security number.

The jury will consist of three prominent sculptors.

The grant will be awarded in June 2024.

Deadline: Monday, October 9, 2023

Submission Materials:

Images of 11 to 15 works of sculpture.  Images must be in JPG (.jpg) format.

A brief resume.

3.Stanley Bleifeld Memorial Grant

The Stanley Bleifeld Memorial Grant is a prize of $5,000 sponsored by the National Sculpture Society.

It is awarded annually to a sculptor who has demonstrated outstanding ability as a sculptor and who has created a body of work inspired by nature which includes works of sculpture in the round and in bas-relief.

The Bleifeld Grant is for a mature body of work; sculpture created in workshop or instructional settings should not be submitted.

Applicants cannot be elected members of the National Sculpture Society. All applicants must be citizens of or residents in the United States with a social security number.

The jury will consist of three persons, including at least two sculptors.

The grant will be awarded in June 2024.

Deadline: Monday, November 6, 2023

Submission Materials:

Images of 11 to 15 works of sculpture.  At least two of the works must be bas-reliefs.

Images must be in JPG (.jpg) format.

A brief resume.

4.Augusta Savage Grant

The Augusta Savage Grant is an unrestricted prize of $2,500

Awarded annually for Excellence in Sculpture.

National Sculpture Society is presenting a $2,500 grant to be awarded to a talented emerging sculptor who self-identifies as Black or African American. A racially diverse jury of three sculptors and/or curators, including at least two of whom are Black or African American, will review applications and select one winner. Applicants must be citizens of or residents in the United States with a social security number. Works inspired by nature are preferred.

Deadline: Applications will be due in 2024

Submission materials:

Images of five to ten works, (please submit at least two views of sculpture if the sculpture is in the round – a maximum of 30 images)

An Artist Statement

A brief CV summarizing your career path.

Work may be in any media.

Website link for apply: Grants – National Sculpture Society